North East Tennessee MAC Report
Another beautiful day in North East Tennessee, 60s to low 80s, I always like to start with the good part.
No new records, but two personal firsts today and myth busting (sort of) … I am getting ahead of the story so I will redirect to the day's beginning.
I was off to the range alone as Brian was entertaining company. I thought I would just be gathering logs, so I only took the PM 700 and an off-brand 60cc saw. I arrived a tad after 8:00 to find a freshly mowed area around the range’s equipment and mine. So trying to be a nice guy, I decided to move everything out of the way. Truck wouldn’t start. While the truck batteries were being charged, I moved the D7 only to find that I don’t know how to turn it off nor did anyone else at the range. A quick call to a friend took care of that embarrassment. Then the tractor that had been running minutes early refused to start. Long intro to 2 ½ hours later I am finally on the hill to collect logs.
There was more bucking to do than I recalled, but no real problem as I had two fully fueled saws ready to go. While bucking I noted a large fresh dead ash and a smaller red oak with a dead top. I decided to fell the red oak and leave the ash for another day when I had something with a longer bar.
700 ready to take on the red oak on the right.
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End log rolled while bucking, sticking the 700.
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Second log rolled, sticking the off-brand while I was hoping it would free the 700.
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Nothing the Deere can’t handle – famous last words - leading to Personal First #1 - Catastrophe – 700 remained stuck when log lifted and moved. I finally freed it only to have oil streaming out of it. I tried to catch some with the off-brand which had been freed in an earlier attempt. Too late, not a drop left in the 700. This can’t be good. And it wasn’t. I waited until I got home to inspect it closed. In the woods all you could see was oil and dirt.
Clutch cover okay except for a broken adjuster screw.
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700’s crankcase is spit all the way to the crankshaft.
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A fin is broken off cylinder.
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I don’t know if further exam will be an autopsy (RIP 700) or lead to corrective surgery.
Personal First #2 – adding insult to injury - I picked up the off-brand to finish bucking the red oak and felt something wet and warm going down my leg. Yes, I forgot to put the oil cap back on it.
All of that for this pile of logs.
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I don’t know about you guys but I am beginning to see a trend – Brian and I have all kinds of misadventures, but the real carnage seems to happen when he isn’t there.
Wait, I almost forgot the myth busting and to answer the question on every sane person's mind as to why I didn’t just move the stem with my cant hook to free the saws. My cant hook was down the hill safely hiding in my pickup – no mistake or forgetfulness – it is currently useless.
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We have all heard of the mythological guy who could break an anvil – I believe he actually exists.
Be safe,