Not sure but with some file work and grinder work itll fit
I second that! buggers are a pain.Hey Vinny, you mention in your video about putting the screen in the oil line...I'd like to see a video of that. I have more than a few without the screen (I have screens on hand) but I have not found a reliable method for getting the screens in place.
Screen time mark!
Boy i wish i did.....that is a battle of epic patience.TY Vinny!...
Anybody got any short cuts to getting the oil line back through the block to the manual oil put side. another pain lol
Lol, i understand that. Unfortunately my wife doesnt.Building another PM 850, cause...Well to many is never enough lol View attachment 1008034
look for a crack in the recoil housing. I had a 10-10 same way. Finally found a hairline crack it the recoil housing.It was compressing when I tightened it down. I hope this is not the case for you.Nice video on the oil screen Vinny!
I've got an issue with the recoil on my 850.If I tighten down all 3 screws on the cover,it binds up & won't retract.Earlier today I puled the recoil apart hoping to find the cause,but was unsuccessful.I even measured the screws to make sure they aren't too long (what that has to do with the price of eggs I have no idea,Lol).The pulley isn't warped that I could detect.If the rope is too heavy could that cause it to bind?
I am not familiar with all of the patterns McCulloch used, but if you know which model of saw you require a bar for, you can find the required bar pattern by looking at the link in the bottom of the specifications page for the appropriate saw.