Looking for advice. I know I need to mess with things a little more but I can't be out in the shop to play today so I thought I'd ask here. I picked up a 610 and got it running and idling good but when I try to throttle it up it lugs and dies. First I checked the L and H needles and set them to a starting point (each out about 1 & 1/4 turns). Started and idles, played with the high jet but same thing. Thought it needs a new carb kit and I had another freshly rebuilt HDB with a new kit that was removed from another 610 that I parted out which has a messed up throttle spring. I removed that kit and rebuilt the other carb. Now it runs, idles and I can throttle up about 3/4 of the way but when I try to open it up fully it starts to die unless I back off the throttle. I have another new kit but didn't want to take the time to swap things out again before I ask you guys if I'm missing something? because I know the kit I put in it from the messed up carb was new. Do these symptoms tell anyone what else I should look at? My thought is the possibility of a bad fuel filter or an obstruction in the impulse port. I can replace the filter easy enough but my question is about the impulse line and how can I make sure it's clean? Should I spray carb cleaner through it or can that mess up things like seals or bearings in the crank case? Anything else I may have overlooked? Thank you guys (or girls - I try not to assume only men work on chainsaws
