McCulloch Manuals

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 16, 2008
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I have acquired a few Mac shop/service manuals that I will be trying to get scanned in the next few weeks. I've going to be doing them as I have the time.

If you PM me with your e-mail address I will gladly forward you a PDF copy of the manual that you need. I own the originals and have scanned them myself. (I'm not ripping off someone else's work, just want to be clear on that.) I know how hard it is to find service information on some of these old saws.

McCulloch 10 Series Shop Manual - Second Edition - P/N 63084


1-10, 2-10, 3-10, 10-10, LG-2, CP 55

4-10, 5-10, 6-10, LG-6, CP 70

This manual also includes information on the Electric Start system.


Here are the other manuals that I will be working on scanning.
  • Super Pro 80 (Suplement to 10 Series Shop Manual)
  • Mac 600 Series
  • Mac 300 Series
  • Mini-Mac 6 & 6A
  • Super Pro 125
  • Mac 200, 250, 300, 380, 380A, 440, 450, 640 - 1965 Supplement to Shop Manual No. 60270 (which I don't have)
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Got another one scanned.

McCulloch Shop Manual - P/N 63328
1965 Supplement to Shop Manual 60270


Model 200, 250, 300, 380, 380A, 440, 450, 640
I have the 1-40/50/60 Work Shop Manuals (60270) in electronic format. Together with the 200/300/400/640 supplemental it make a pretty good basis for the older 80 and 87cc McCulloch saws.

If anyone needs a copy lf 60270 just let me know. I will need your e-mail address as the files are pretty big. Just to confirm, I have scanned these from a hard copy as well so no one else's work is being compromised.

One of the nicest things about the suplement Deprime is offering is it explains some of the history linking the listed saws to their predecessors.

I have never seen any work shop manual for the 44/55 / 1-70/1-80 saws. I do have several IPL's including a very clean one for the 1-86 with McCulloch carburetor. It even shows the optional bow bar.

PM me with an e-mail address if you would like the IPL.

My Grandmother lived for years in the hills up beyond Pescadero, beautiful country no doubt...

I have never seen any work shop manual for the 44/55 / 1-70/1-80 saws. I do have several IPL's including a very clean one for the 1-86 with McCulloch carburetor. It even shows the optional bow bar.

PM me with an e-mail address if you would like the IPL.

My Grandmother lived for years in the hills up beyond Pescadero, beautiful country no doubt...


I have the 1-86 IPL #53486 from 1962. From your description we have the same one.
The area around Pescadero is gorgeous. Big trees, the Pacific, and very serene. She was a lucky lady.
i have a idea you all i own a parts lookup site i can upload the manuels to that site free that way i can provide the original person that supplied the file to me the url to the site to pass out to people when they need it im not charging any thing to anyone for this service just willing to have my parts lookup site able to support these type of manuels

its up to you all
Are these the only ones you have reason i ask is i have some too maybe we can work on this and have some for all the older macs

I have a few others that I haven't gotten scanned yet. They are listed at the bottom of my first post.

i have a idea you all i own a parts lookup site i can upload the manuels to that site free that way i can provide the original person that supplied the file to me the url to the site to pass out to people when they need it im not charging any thing to anyone for this service just willing to have my parts lookup site able to support these type of manuels

its up to you all

I think that would great! Just let me know what you need.
One of the nicest things about the suplement Deprime is offering is it explains some of the history linking the listed saws to their predecessors.


I haven't had a chance to read through the manual until just now. It was very interesting to learn about the model progression of these saws. Learned a lot by reading through it.
More Manuals

General Service Information - S.I. 136
PM 600 Series


General Service Information - S.I. 35
SP80 (Supplement to Shop Manual 63084)

I have a few others that I haven't gotten scanned yet. They are listed at the bottom of my first post.

I think that would great! Just let me know what you need.

I have to put this on hold cause i have to figure out how to make the funds i need to pay a light bill and to get my heart meds which control my heart rythum and make sure it does not go into atrial fib which causes my heart to beat over 200 beats a minute if i go without this medicine i run out tommorrow morning i may be winding up in the hospital tommorrow night cause of no medicine in my system to control this

if it causes a heart attack i dont care anymore maybe if i were to die i be better off would not have to worry about bill collectors etc. anymore
SP125 and Mini-Mac 6 & 6A

A couple more manuals.

Also, I have found a better way of distributing these manuals. I will now send you a link for download by PM. They will be the full resolution scans (had to downsize the files to e-mail them) and should be of better quality. I can send you the link to any or all of the manuals that you are in need of. :biggrinbounce2:

General Service Information - S.I. 38
Super Pro 125


Quote - "As the majority of servicing procedures for the SP-125 chain saw are similar to those of the CP-125, this General Service Bulletin will be confined to the improvements and services that are new"

General Service Information - S.I. 27
Mini-Mac 6 & 6A

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sorry it is off the topic but I can not find the information to set the timing . when you change the coil or point, how to reset the timing ?

Great JOB You guys are doing:yourock: Thanks Deprime, Heimann and Lawnmowertech37 for all the help and valuable information You all provide.
I do not own a Mac at this time but am looking at one real close, waiting on owner to reply to offer! Thanks again!