Anything available on the McCulloch 200? PM sent.
Thanks got it. The IPL doesn't illustrate the correct location for the Mac 335 chain brake return spring: the scant exploded diagram shows the lever's journal going through the center of the eye of the double return spring , which is plainly incorrect/ goes into the body of the lever somehow.
If some kind realized soul could illustrate with a diagram or description, that would be extremely useful to me, (and others, I have seen on the web here with same problem)
hi !
I am looking for a 380 service manual , that has got a oil chainsaw going into motor.
If you have a copy to send by email, it would be great...
Do you have the little PM380 from the early 1980's, or the older 87cc front tank McCulloch 380 from the mid 1960's?
Got another one scanned.
McCulloch Shop Manual - P/N 63328
1965 Supplement to Shop Manual 60270
Model 200, 250, 300, 380, 380A, 440, 450, 640
complete McCulloch PM-605 Shop Manual
I'm looking for a service manual for a mac 250. Trying to keep the saw I inherited from my dad running. I don't know what pubs cover it, whether it's a specific manual or one that covers a range of models plus a supplement, but you've probably figured that all out by now. You can PM me or if the files are too big let me know (by PM) and I'll PM you my email address. Thanks!