Here are the examples for the "Where Used" and "Find Items" search results...
And here's where you can get rid of any annoying "update" stuff that may pop up every time you open the program. Go to Settings ->System Settings -> Update Notes, Select "Manual". Then go back to Settings, then down to "Update Notes", and the Tech Notes that reside in a repository folder for occasional "updating" will be indexed for permanent availability relative the the existing version of the catalog. Clear as mud, eh?
Lastly, the Tech Notes and Service Manuals are all individually available as PDF files, but you need to sorta dig for em and they're listed by system filenames, not conventional names for their associated application. The IPL's are not PDF's and not available is individual files.
You can find all this under Users -> Public -> Public Documents -> MediaCAT Data -> Stihl -> SCS-XX.XXXX (the particular version of your catalog) -> Resources.
The PDF's don't start until about 2/3 of the way down the page. RA prefixes designate Shop Manuals, and TI designates Technical Information. Everything above is disc image stuff for compiling the IPL's in a proprietary way for integration and cross-indexing by the application itself. Same for all the BMP's at the bottom.
So, Scouts...., I hope you've found all of this helpful. I'm sure there's gonna be a few tl;dr folks out there. Oh well.
For everyone else, happy wrenchin' and parts scroungin'.