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ArboristSite Lurker
May 20, 2003
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third floor , mom's house
So here we go again another year gone by . prices are still the same , everyone is still going crazy over how many different ways they can tie their climbing knot . One industry that goes round n round n round . All these over educated undergraduated Arboriculture "students" looking to fullfill their life dreams of being that special someone who will make a difference in the Tree world . Hey , isn't Shigo a hundred and fifty years old ? hard to hear an old man , especially while making a flush cut . oh yeah right to the trunk , rip right into the flesh of that tree and let it "heal". I was just wondering if anyone really cared about being a "master(bator) Certified Arborist" , jeez 8 years of college ain't enough , we gots to get mo certified! master , isn't that right ! I can't wait till fifty years from now when it costs less to prune a tree than it does to get your car washed . If you want to take your tree down , hell just go down to the local barber shop and asks ones of those there patrons if he's gots a ladder, and will take it down at night , so's noone's see's us . Hey I got a better idea , let's make another website and talk about all the cool ways we do tree work , yeah , than we can all invite the ladies cause the five of them can climb too. what ? I can send a picture to the national arborist supply catolog ? whoooooooweeee , can't wait to get on my knees when I see that one . Got to move on now , unlike this industry .....remember I'll be back ......wheels on the bus go round and round , hey let's reinvent ourselves ten more times .....YEAHHHHHH!
I wonder what kind of day you had?
Nevertheless, I agree with you. I started out doing tree work in '75 (logging)
"Arborculture", in '83. WC-CTW in 87, CA also. Now I might have to become a CMA, CUA,CMA, why are we doing this to our industry and when/where will it end?
I think if this trend continues we will be regulating ourselves out of work.
Who does all this regulation benifit? Insurance companies,attorneys, who I am sure are all represented on the BOD at ISA.
Some good things come out of these "pits", like ANSI.
But I think treeworkers as a profession/industry need to make a stand and say enough is enough.
For exaple, has anyone seen these first aid kits that can be attached to your climbing belt? What the ... Anybody want to work at that company?

Lets face it... Any one can be an arborist, in the green industry. not anyone can be a Treeworker.
I disagree. There are many chainsaw, bucket truck and chipper operators......Arborist are the few in the field of many. The 5% rule.....the other 95% make us look bad......only the cream rises to the top.
My biggest fear is that with the creation of additional certifications, the cost of annual dues, aquiring sufficient credits, liability insurance, vehicle insurance, spray application insurance, house insurance, disability insurance, tool and equipment insurance, applicator dues, dumping fees, amongst the countless other costs of running a business, is that the owner/operators of businesses will be forced to move on to something that pays the bills. Ya, additional certification looks great on a resume and trust me when I say that I love being decorated with as much as possible, but it seems as though there are people involved that are more worried about out ranking the next guy, that the truth of our profession is missed.............'money really doesn't grow on trees!' So the people that care about continuing their education, staying current with their credentials, and competitive with their competition will be inevitably sucked dry. For Joe Blow from around the corner who didn't invest in an education, doesn't care about credentials, and doesn't have the insurance will be able to low ball the job and still make more money at the end of the day, simply because his/her overhead isn't the same.

Just my two cents....
I thinks Freeman has a point to an extent. Like getting fined for not having a license to do tree work in Oregon? I did'nt know that, but it sounds like they're a little too close to North Korea or something. I'm all for anything that keeps people safe on the job etc. but where do you draw the line and make people have to be reponsible for their own actions. You can't babysit everbody and you should'nt have to make others pay for the babysitting fee.
Certifications demonstrate a certain amount of professionalism but ISA prices are a bit much I think. Also the test wasn't very challenging. Buy their study guide, take the test, boom yer certified. So whats the point. I'm sure there's lot of other similiar situations. Does'nt mean squat cept you read the book. Could go on but I gotta go work now, "I'll be Baaack"
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He comes in ans stirrs the water every once and a while.

Our hobby is chatting abck and forth, his is telling us we are pathetic.

C'est la vie :rolleyes:

All i know is that I make a decent living, and I know plenty of others who do to.
Chatting on, I don't think anyone was saying anyone else is pathetic. Aren't there times when some of the licensing and regulations seem to be unecessary and only seem to profit some government agency or bureacracy? Plus who is enforcing all this anyway. If a guy is gonna one hand a saw up in a tree who is gonna stop him when nobody is looking? (Blather, Blather)
I'm bi-vocational. Also an X-ray tech. These arguments/discussions/disgustins? have been around in x-ray for many years too. Not sure the answer... Nobody likes anybody looking over their shoulder much, but I like to do my work safe, but I would like to make more money...

I wonder, if the Indian name of your province was "Manitoda," what would be your 2-letter postal abbreviation?
It's not so much as stirring the waters as it is to keep polloutng them. Now say I am a certified everything ( cause you know that is whats next) I know everything about trees , I am "GOD" . when I step on a property thunder strikes the skies , if I got enough bullsh*it lightingen will strike! And if all is well the checkbook will open and the money will flow . but wait in the distance , a pick up truck rolls down the street ! what you'll do the job for Nothing ? you got it ! Hey "GOD" go to hell ! Gotta love tree work , so predictable . NRTEE you ae the guy in a pick up but it ain't yours cause you got "issues"

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