Yeah, that makes sense, the wedding/shower market seems to constantly demand those. Hell, I see them being sold after people are done with them so cheap I feel like picking them up to resell all over again and save myself the work of milling any. Near perfect rounds do seem to be the more common ones I see. Wondered about the larger ones. Like slabs, people don't want to value any single piece all that much unless it's extraordinary but they'll spend as much or more money getting a bunch of smaller pieces. I think with 30"+ ones people aren't that interested til you get to 60" or so where you can make a nice dining table from one. I've made nice finished out pecan cookie coffee tables 30-32" wide by 4" thick and hasn't been a nibble at any at the prices I want. My sister told me "oh, that's nice you can sell them for like $300-400 as something affordable" and I'm like "you do realize I don't sell any of my tables no matter what size for much less than $600 these days". I'm not here competing with Walmart furniture lol.
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