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I'm trying to get the black owner of one tree co I sub to to join AS. He's in a religious cult (7th day adventists), and I think he thinks the internet is the devil. But he has a computer and I have showed him this site before. He said if he ever did join, he would call himself BlackShadow.

Ha! I can't wait for him to post!;)
Actually, I can't wait for him to post so I can rag on his crazy ways of doing things. He is quite nutty, but in a religous way. He's that guy who was gonna "pray on it" concerning a chancy rigging episode. He won't drink cold water, or eat nothing but 'live' food, and works til dark every day. He's kinda wack...
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
Actually, I can't wait for him to post so I can rag on his crazy ways of doing things. He is quite nutty, but in a religous way. He's that guy who was gonna "pray on it" concerning a chancy rigging episode. He won't drink cold water, or eat nothing but 'live' food, and works til dark every day. He's kinda wack...

Hey I do that and I'm not religous. Oh well, guess I'm just spiritual.:D

Originally posted by MasterBlaster
Actually, I can't wait for him to post so I can rag on his crazy ways of doing things. He is quite nutty, but in a religous way. He's that guy who was gonna "pray on it" concerning a chancy rigging episode. He won't drink cold water, or eat nothing but 'live' food, and works til dark every day. He's kinda wack...

Live like what?
Basically, raw veggies, nuts, fruits. Hardly any meat whatsoever. And only water to drink. He might eat fast food once or twice a decade.

I imagine he's quite healthy. But I couldn't do it.
I like my grub freshly killed...

Or, I'll order pizza!
Ya Rocky like I said Detox Mode
It really works and you do feel better!
You only have so many enzines in your body which help you digest
If you eat cooked food you have to use your bodies enzines to digest
Raw food has it's own enzines
Because you don't reproduce enzines once the tank is empty:eek:
You die!
This is the theory of death by natural causes
So if you subscribe to this eat raw and live longer!

If you must eat meat you should take enzines in a pill form
i like to steam everything i can,i dont see the point in peeling vegies.chicken,fish steamed is grosse
Anyone ever tried using one of those juicing machines? I was on a kick last year for a couple months, lotsa veggie and fruit juices.. felt ok, not sure if it was better or not. I gradually stopped, just got tired of the chopping and prepping the little chunks and then having to clean the machine after.. lazy I suppose. These days I chug the odd can of V-8, gotta have about 4 or 5 dashes of tabasco to make it fun. I have been meaning to get one of those big mouth juicers, the ones that take an apple whole, figured I might get back into the swing...
I can see the benifits of being a raw fooder, vegan or fruitarian.
Although hard to practice due to deeply ingrained habits, we don't see animals in the wild carrying around pots and pans and microwave ovens.
Hygienists as they call themselves, believe that disease is the result of excess eating of the wrong foods and it's inability to be assimilated and eliminated. So they believe that a 90% raw diet and fasting will conquer all diseases except those in their final stages.
The oddest thing I have heard lately is that if the setting and rising sun is gazed at every day for increasing lengths of time up to 1minute, all disease will disappear and the human body can live indefinately on no food for ever. This they call sungazing or breatharianism.
Originally posted by John Stewart

If you eat cooked food you have to use your bodies enzines to digest
Raw food has it's own enzines
Because you don't reproduce enzines once the tank is empty:eek:
You die!

If you must eat meat you should take enzines in a pill form

Okay, as long as this thread is well and truly derailled, I'll bite.

First of all, enzymes by definition are not consumed in a reaction, they just facilitate the reaction. So, digestive enzymes can be used and re-used ad infinitum, and you can produce more. Your tank doesn't go "emtpy." In my case, I'm lactose-intolerant, so I can't produce the lactase enzyme, but most people can produce plenty of it. And pretty much anything bigger than glucose requires digestive enzymes to digest.

Also, I'm surprised no one bit on MB's reference to the 7th Day Adventists as a "cult." I saw people here give a guy a hard time for misrepresenting the chronology of Genesis. It's a fine, fine line. It's not really offensive to me (I'm an unapologetic agnostic), but I think any 7th Day people reading would be offended - that's a pretty well-established national religious institution.

Not trying to pick on MB there - just thought it was funny that no one protested, after people jumped on the guy who joked that God created Adam before trees (or something).

Oy, I hope I don't start a silly fight with this :angel:
Hey Jeff, calling them a cult was my idea. They are a pretty weird religion, just google em and check it out for yourself. And I can almost guarantee there aren't any 7th DA's here, cause like I said, they think the internet is a demon beast.
Funny, 10 years ago I worked for a treeguy that was a Jehovah's witness. Those guys are queer ducks, indeed.

Ah, religion. The downfall of mankind.
To each his own eh' Long as they dont try to force it down my throat, i dont have a problem with any of em
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
They are a pretty weird religion, just google em and check it out for yourself.
Yup, no argument there. But ultimately no weirder than most of the "accepted" religions, IMVHO. Early in the first millenium AD, Christians were considered cultists.

Again, I didn't really mind what you said, just felt compelled, for some stupid reason, to point out the double standard.

Ah, religion. The downfall of mankind.
Let's hope not, but it's looking that way. :(
Hi MM,
What's funny about that?
When I took a college course, economics of health care, back in '84, the number of deaths/year caused by the medical industry was 150,000... That's nearly 3x the total for all Americans in Vietnam, every year... Yet nobody is marching in the streets... How about another tidbit of info I learned in college.... over half the people in hospitals are there as a result of some treatment they received.... Years ago my father almost died as a result of staff infection follwing arthroscopic knee surgery and my fater in law just spent a week in the hospital after a colonoscopy resulted in infection....
Think about this... when a drug reaction or medical procedure ends someone up in the hospital, do they refuse to pay the bill?
Not unless there is a malpractice suit....
Now that would be like an arborist damaging the shrubs and then charging for shrub removal and replacement..
So given the state of health in america, sounds like the 7th dayers are onto something....
I do fresh carrot,ginger, lemon juice 3-4x week and finally got over lyme disease on wheatgrass and fresh veggie juice. Mostly drink just water, juice and herbal tea... avoid iced beverages... no pork and lately no processed foods as I have an accute sensitivity to MSG.... The only time I have taken a prescription or over the counter drug as an adult is when I had lyme....

OK enough ranting

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