Modded 390XP. It's a beast! VIDEO

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Nov 8, 2006
Reaction score
Franklin, OH
Here is a Husky 390XP that I just ported for a fellow member. This is a 2007 model saw, but looks almost new. He definately takes care of his saws. In the past, I have felt like I got better results with the 385. Not any more. This baby has the RPMs, plus torque like crazy. It LOVES to be leaned on! I stopped by Andres to put it in some 28" wood, and was not disappointed with the saw at all. I'm especially interested in this saw, since I'm planning on ordering one soon for myself. This build just confirmed that decision:rock:

This was the first I had the saw out since doing the port work. We had it tuned quite fat to 13,200. You can hear it 4-stroking hard when he free revs it. We later tuned it to 14,000-14,200. It would be good for cookie cutting at 14,700, but no more. The good holds excellent RPMs in the wood as well.

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Looks like one of the stronger saws I've seen you build. Looking good, looks like Andre is enjoying himself as well! He almost looks as happy as when he has a Stihl in his hands haha.
I do believe you may be right. This one doesn't even have a popup. Compression is 158. Like I tell my customers, I believe you get 95% of the gains without one. Replacing the piston down the road is much easier too.
wow very impressive. the 390s are very intrieging (sp?). If i was looking for a new 85+cc saw it would definately be towards the top of my list. how does it compare to some og the 660s youve built?
wow very impressive. the 390s are very intrieging (sp?). If i was looking for a new 85+cc saw it would definately be towards the top of my list. how does it compare to some og the 660s youve built?
Hard to say for sure, but I think it's a fair amount stronger. However, I think my next 660 will be stronger as well.

Looks good, How long was that bar?
28". Mine will wear a 32".
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Actually, I didn't run the saw myself. I was still in my office clothes. So Andre was the only one that ran it. The saw was pulling so strong that he thought the rakers were to high. They weren't. The saw is just that strong. It really needs an 8-pin to do it justice. He said when he didn't have it dogged in, he was pushing hard on it.
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So I'm guessing 390xp's might be the next build off saws... haha.

Nice strong build Brad :msp_thumbup:
wow sounds real strong
Your 372 can cut just as fast in that size wood!

So I'm guessing 390xp's might be the next build off saws... haha.

Nice strong build Brad :msp_thumbup:
I'll be ready when we do:)

so brad when you going to get yours.
Hopefully next week...if someone would just buy my 440 already! I'm trying to exercise restraint and not order the next one until this one's gone. I'm starting to lose my resolve though, lol.
The first time I picked up, and ran a 288xp, I understood why it had such a following. And the 390 should as well:clap:
Well done Brad, you can tell a saw has some torque if you rock it wood pulling up on the rear handle. You gotta love these oversized 372's!

Wow, that really makes me want to get into my 385... might have to upgrade to a 390 p&c. Nice work as usual!

Nothing wrong with the 385.

There is something seriously wrong with that video!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andre with no SHORTS!!!

You beat me to it Will. Bit of a let down with out the signature cookie cutting outfit.

The first time I picked up, and ran a 288xp, I understood why it had such a following. And the 390 should as well:clap:

Norm, you need to try a "nice" 385/90.
