You guys are not helping my situation at all with all this talk of a Dolmar having more speed and torque than anything in it's class.
I am trying to become a reformed CAD and become a regular person without having saws on my brain all the time.
It has been two years since I have bought a saw off e-bay and have either gotten rid of or sold 15 saws in the last year or so. This makes me feel good about myself.
Now I feel those same destuctive urges to go back to my evil ways and get a Dolmar. I have only seen one as they are not around my area. I have always wanted to get my hands on one as they seem to be a favorite among the racers.
Now you guys have me reading current threads about Dolmar's especially this one. Now I am bookmarking Dolmar on e-bay, searched out some dealers. It probaly won't be long before I get my hands on one just to see if I have been missing anything.
I am just waiting and lurking to see how Brad's mods work out. He will probaly pushed me over the edge with his silver tongue about how good these Dolmars are. He has already baited the hook and I can feel it getting ready to be set.
If and when I do get my hands on one of these Dolmar's and it doesn't live up to what I have read. There is going to be a Texas Chainsaw Massacre on AS.
Go for it Brad, push that saw to the limit.
Larry ...Your welcome to drive up here and try out mine in stock form ...Oops muffler modded ...