Modified 357 vs. Stock 372???

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ArboristSite Member
Oct 31, 2004
Reaction score
Hillsboro, OR
Which one would you choose and which one has more power.

EHP what do you estimate the modified (woods saw) 357 HP to be or you could compare cut times between the two as this data may be available due to all the saws you time.


FWIW I was cutting up some 18" maple firewood logs yesterday with my EHP 361 and a stock 372 with a muffler mod. Both had 20" bars and orgeon 72 lg chains. They where neck in neck. I didnt do any timed cuts, but imagine thta the 361 had a chance of besting the stock 372 in that size wood.
Hi Ben, I have a 361 EHP and brother in law has a 357 EHP. Here are some times of these saws compared to larger ones. 3 cuts in 9x9 poplar.
none of the other saws are stock saw,but they are not Eds
Art, When you mention 9x9 Popular, are you talking about a 'green' piece of wood (soft) or a cured piece of wood (hard)? Out here in West Texas I'm cutting very hard dead oaks and its difficult for me to make comparisons. It took me about 9 seconds to cut through a 10" piece of hard oak yesterday with my modified 361 - that was using a 'wristwatch' to time the cut. I don't have a feel for how that compares to your times posted above. Tom
The 181 is mine and the 394 belongs to my brother in law. The 394 is Walkerzed , I worked on the 181. A 357 EHP is better in the size timber that we have here than these big saws. Art
Stihl Crazy said:
Hi Ben, I have a 361 EHP and brother in law has a 357 EHP. Here are some times of these saws compared to larger ones. 3 cuts in 9x9 poplar.
none of the other saws are stock saw,but they are not Eds

Amazing, eh SC, both how good the 357 is versus the 361, and how good Ed's work is!! Of course we all know that, in big wood, the bigger saws would outperform the 357. So far, the 357 is the only ehp saw I have, but a 372 and 192T are enroute to me, and a 346, another 372 and soon a 5100S will be mine.
Ed did the 361 and 357 at the same time. He said the 357 was 1/2 sec quicker and that is how it still is. I can't say about big wood, we may cut 5 trees per year that are 2 ft across the butt. 95% of the saws here have 15 or 16 inch bars. For our logging the smaller saws are faster. I have 346 EHP, 361 EHP, 088 EHP.
Tom, the poplar was off the stump for 3 months. We don't work with fully cured wood, but in our size wood the small saws are faster. I would just file different for dry wood. Art
Here are times in 10x10 pine, 2 cuts
361--12.01--stock saw
372--9.65--stock saw
346--5.86--EHP saw
Art on the 361 Mod saw are you running a 16" bar with a 3/8 x 8 drive sprocket and square chisel chain?

That's an impressive difference between the stock 361 and the ehp.
kodiakfisher said:
Which one would you choose and which one has more power.


i own a 357ehp and some 372 ehp's and stock 372's. i guess it all dpends on what your cutting and what size bar you want to run. for the bigger stuff i'd take a 372. i run a 20in bar on my 357 and it cuts pretty sweet.
In a few days I'll have an 18" .325 x .063 bar and a 325 x 9T sprocket for my 361 and some older Carlton square .325 x .058 chain. Then I'll do some time trials with it and my 026 which has this bar, chain combo with a .325 x 7 sprocket and, it really screams through this hard oak. I think the 16" bar on the 026 and the 18" bar on the 361 is going to give me the ideal combo for the wood I'm cutting.
If your ported 361 is making any kind of power it will likely be slower with .325 chain. Especially with a 7 pin, .325 sprocket as in effect you are gearing the saw down to what is equivelent to a 3/8 7pin.
The 026 on the other hand will appreciate the .325 alot more.
FWIW I just made some bar burried cuts with my ehp 361 the other day and it and diced it like a hot knife through butter with a 20" bar and 72 lg chain.
Ben I'm running some .325 x .058 chain on a .325 x .063 bar on the 026 with full chisel chain, and there is a noticable reduction in drag on the chain, yet its close enough that its not shown any indication of jumping out of the groove. And the chain is some older Carlton chain that I found; it really seems to be harder than the Stihl chain that I normally use. My neighbor thought I had done more to the saw than just modified the muffler, as it out performs his 026 quite a bit. So I want to experiement with that combination on my 361 just to see how it runs. But, I did not have a .325 sprocket for it; ones on the way to me now. And you may be right on the end results; yet, I want to give it a try.

On the 3/8 chain, I experimented on the 361 with the 3/8 x 7 and the 3/8 x 8 sprocket. On the hard oak I cut, the 3/8 x 7 performed better in the cut with my 18" bar.

I'm no pro at this, I just like to experiment and see if I can make little improvements here and there.

I guess on bigger hardwood it should be a race but I still think a ported 357 will beat a stock 372, but on smaller wood like 16 inch and smaller the 357 should win just about everytime
I only cut wood for consumption by myself and friends; I don't run it 'every' day or all day at a time. But, I'll keep an eye on it. Cutting wood and repairing saws is my 'retirement' pastime; its more fun than watching TV soap operas. And its a lot more economical than owning a boat or an RV; both of which I've tried. ha!

And as a retired Field Artilleryman, I like your slogan "Peace through superior firepower"

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