I have a guy that comes by a few times a year and has been for many years, and he only buys my premium heart wood and he stopped by yesterday. He usually drives a Land Rover but this time he was driving a Aston Martin DBX crossover. I said where is the land cruiser? He replied, the ex wife got that in the divorce.
He said he forgot his tarp and i knew by the name it was a high dollar car/suv so I let him borrow one of my new 10 dollar tarps. We talked about the car a bit and then started loading bags of firewood in the back with the back seat down. I was surprised that we got 14 bags into that thing. I just looked one up on utub just to see what those things go for. They start at 205K. Now I don't care what people spend there money on, after all it's there money and who am I to judge. He wasn't able to get all he wanted in there so he is coming back next week to get some more and return my tarp. I think I think I'm just have just going to ask him to take me for a little spin around the block next week when he comes back. Twin turbo 542HP with 516lb of torque in an all wheel drive. I bet that thing scoots pretty good. I think this guy has the most expensive wood hauler I have seen come through here to date.
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