Mouthy Groundie

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I would take my wife back to the site, have her confirm the guy that said that, and take matters from there. First with the supervisor, than with the employee.

I would try to keep the blood to a minimum.
It do jump apart nicely.  No need for the monster maul; a 6-pounder is sufficient and fun, right?

Both ankles?&nbsp; Sheesh, Che!&nbsp; Why buy the milk when the cow's free.&nbsp; Wait, I didn't mean it like <i>that</i>!

i guess i took it wrong Glens; i'm all fer a good time; but didn't think that was the meaning of your rhyme!

i wasn't trying to be a tuff guy, just stating what kind of place here i'd rather be part of wether on this site or work site.

Alright, Glen, Spydey, break it up, it's all in fun.

My wife is a cutie, but she's usually not one to make a fuss and she does deal with this stuff all the time, so I wasn't surprised when she told me she flipped the guy off.

I saw an Asplundh crew driving through the neighborhood this morning and gave them a call when I got to work. Talked to the projects manager and he said they had hired a traffic control outfit to handle that duty on that particular site. He was apologetic and said he'd definitely take the matter up with them.

I had my wife read the posts. She felt much better about tree guys (and gals Che!) in general. Traffic control guys are on her list now--they'd better watch out!

(yes glen, BOTH ankles as well as some gnarly knees! :eek: :) )
BAB....good to hear. I thought about that situation last night, wondering if I would want my husband to go with me to demand an apology. To be honest, I didn't know. I think that it would make me feel less 'empowered'. I'd really, REALLY want his support (possibly the reason for the email) but beyond that I guess it depends on the woman and how 'safe/strong' she feels.

I don't flip guys off anymore. I think I wrote about it here once....the last time I flipped a stranger off like that was when I was riding through south Mpls. on a 10-speed....many years ago. The passenger leaned out of the window and yelled about how HE'D like to be that bike seat. (how lame) First reaction was to flip him off, also. NOT a good thing when you're on a bike and they're in a car.....I had to make a very quick escape to my friend's house down the block with this &^$^&%# on my tail.

I'm glad you got a good response from the manager.


I did find some of the Locust stringy already....the pieces would hang on to each other for dear life. A few pieces a bit oddly grained also, but it's still wayyyyy ahead of splitting hedge.
Ever split Yew?


Got some 3 year old beech here. Brought the 30 ton splitter to a screeching halt.
Sounds like the traffic control knucklhead needs a counseling session with Dr. Vermeer :)

If anyone on my crew or around me ever ran their mouth like that they would follow their tongue right down the road. This has nothing to do with chivalry. It has to do with being polite. How would any of you Dad's like to hear that story from a daugher?

What's said between guys on a crew OUT of earshot is one thing.

Somebody definitely needs a pink slip and a boot in the buttocks.

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