It took me somewhere around ten to twelve days to chop and stich that trailer together. Just about everything was retrieved from e-bay (in the end it cost me seven thousand bucks...a tad less than half of what I was quoted to build). The boat frame was a lot longer and I had to cut off and re-bend the front of it. Axles were wider...had to shorten them. Flipped the bed upside down and beefed it up a good bit. Sold the rollback portion of the bed frame (didn't need it...added quite a bit of extra weight). Most useful dumper I've ever owned. Weighs a ton and a half empty, but can haul and dump five tons all day long. Hydraulic brakes on all three axles.
I ended up adding a third cylinder towards the front that pushes directly upwards for 18" which takes off a tremedous amount of initial stress off the rear mounts since the cylinders push forwards. Cycle time is 45 seconds, dump angle is 44 degrees or so.