Why put a rope on it?
1) I yell for a pull-line to my hearing-impaired groundies.
2) I yell again, and try to use hand signals.
3) They still don't understand what I want.
4) They shut down the chipper, so they can hear me.
5) They
FINALLY understand what I want.
6) I smoke a whole cigarette waiting for them to fetch the rope.
7) They tie the rope on, each time in a crazy, different way.
8) Because they just
threw the improperly hanked rope on the ground, three times as I pull the rope up, they spend 5 minutes each time untangling it.
9) 1/3 of the time, as I get the line pulled up to 10 feet below me, their knutty knot comes untied.
10) Repeat steps 7 and 8.
It's way easier just to do the solitary thang, ya know?
And I've been to DisneyLand, and DisneyWorld. I would rather go there!