Information Collector
I am wondering if the OP got his money back, and how that happened? :confused2:
The trigger still looks too close in like on the 200T which rubs on the front side of your trigger finger and turns the skin thick and raspy if you're clocking hours up. You gotta chizel the thick skin off your trigger finger with a razor blade if you don't want a bloody great lump there all the time.
You don't get that with an XPT husqvarnas comfortable handle and trigger setup. The 201 still retains the horribly designed uncomfortable Stihl setup which dates back to the 50's. There's a token attempt at smooth edges on the casings but all in all there's nothing to get excited about from what I'm seeing in the rotatable pic though
Also the 200T raps your knuckle hard on a sharp plastic edge if you get a bit of a kickback. It fekkin hurts, I'm thinking it's a deliberate design to teach newbies a lesson on staying alert, but end of the day it's still just too cramped around the trigger, but going by eye, that 201 may have a bit more room there. Maybe. You'd have to hold it to find out.
The "15% better" nonsense about their new bumpy chizel LP chain will be a crock of bollocks, a well sharpened non-bumper semi-chizel would spank it. Guarantee it.
And the weedy 192T spring on the front handle of the 201 looks spindly and flexy and sh1tty, but having used 192T's, that skinny spring actually seemed pretty robust but the 192T is a featherweight saw. You can't say that for the 201 which is even heavier than the overweight 200T. Increasing the weight of a TH saw is a big NO NO, it's the worst possible thing Stihl could have done
that saw gives me wood
I haven't looked closely into this, but I don't think the primer is replacing anything - except for some pulls on the rope, on cold saws.I thought primer bulbs were intended to replace a choke plate so the carb would flow more air with the same size opening. You'd only pump the primer bulb on a cold saw to squirt a bit of fuel into the carb, but once the engine was warmed up, the primer would not be used. True? False?
Primers on small engines just fill the carb with mix and do not pump gas into the venturi or crankcase, they still use a choke.