ArboristSite Operative
I'm trying to follow suggestions. Gap is at 0.015 by feeler gauge. Yes I did keep the original coil, and perhaps I may just swap it back in, once I pull the flywheel and reinstall it. Currently is getting a PB blaster soak. I do not know if the case is cast, or is plastic. It seems to me that this era of saw would not be plastic, but I haven't tested that yet.Since no spark now, I'd be interested to the point of almost suspect that your original coil is ok. Hopefully you kept it just in case. I think it's time to start posting pics of the setup. One pic I saw in post 14 looked like a large gap b/n coil and flywheel. Could just be angle of pic though but looked more than a business card thickness to me.
I'll try some more on the saw and see about the recommendations to start it w minimal choke, etc to avoid flooding. Never realized these were problematic saws with flooding.