Okay, filling all interested parties in on the latest. The D/G kit did show up in the mail finally, it is now installed and the saw is starting up very easily and runs fine. Thanks for all the help thus far.
So now it is running easily and I have noticed it is leaking bar oil out from below/drive side under the muffler. It does oil the chain thru the proper orifice, but this is a leak from a hole/aperture/orifice/foramina that to me seems it should have a cap of some sort. The inside of the hole is not threaded; it appears that whatever was once there is gone, and bar oil wells up here to a significant degree. The hole is right at the tip of the screwdriver.
Edit-I do feel compelled to mention I read a bunch of 250 oiling problem threads, most mentioned misalignment of oiling hole with hole in bars, but there was enough mention of an oil tank vent valve mentioned to be "under the muffler." There were no photos of this, and several questions were asked, but the threads thereafter died.
Anyone have any insight here? Diagrams, part number, etc? Thanks!!