Very good. Thanks for the response. I presume it then has the M 3.0 designation on the DOM sticker?
Hi Poge. To your first inquiry, the 261 CM has used V3 software for at least a few years here in the states. I believe around 2020 or so was the first year I saw them.v3.0 was initially introduced domestically in 2017~2018 with the 661 and 362. I'm unaware of it being introduced with the 261 domestically to date, but will certainly be corrected if I'm mistaken. My notes and T.I.s do not cover any reference to v3.0 being associated with the first version of the M-tronic MS261 and I have no documentation for the 2nd generation MS261C-M design -- purportedly using the v3.0 M-tronic firmware.
That said, the v1.0 MS261 was specifically included with the other v1.0 saws that were not intended to use the white solenoid while the MS362C-M actually was.
And anyone out there with a 2nd Gen MS261C-M with v3.0 M-tron firmware, please chime in!