I don’t disagree. I mean it depends on what the item is to.That's funny, once you made the trip to see the item I figure the negotiating is over. You can walk away if you have to, but if you wanted it for less, you should have asked me before we agreed to meet - I may not be interested in your offer and wouldn't waste either of our time. I use words and photographs in the listing to give a representative description, including the known flaws. Different philosophy I guess.
EBay , not exactly sure if it was this guy , but he has a ton of oem Stihl parts for sale , and is good to deal with, https://www.ebay.com/str/seesawsrun...uid=Tlx6FfZ4S9a&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPYWhere did you get you OEM carb? No Stihl dealers close to me. I just got a Hipa for mine. Haven't put it in yet. If that is a bust, I'll go back to OEM.
I would be quite unhappy if I and a buyer agreed on a price, I took the time to show up with the item and the buyer then showed and tried to dicker over it. I would get back in the truck and go home.I hear you. Last boat I sold the guy showed up $400 short on the agreed price. I ended up keeping the downriggers and selling them separately to get my price.
I never make an offer through messaging or over the phone unless I know with out a doubt that I want whatever it is no matter what condition of something I may find in person, which is rare.When you are selling an item for $2600. You and the buyer agree on $2200. Then he shows up with $1500. You then tell him to have a nice day. When I bought my last saw I made an offer on it. The guy said it was too low. I made another offer and he accepted it. I'm fine with that. I don't show up and drop my offer if there is nothing wrong with the item that I am buying. I have had way too many people try to pull that on me.
Meh, I see selling online similar to the pawn shop experience and expect people to haggle. Heck, even ebay has an "offer now" or whatever button. I usually research the item I'm listing to get an average price and land somewhere around there and allow for a little room to come down (this mostly just sets my expectations.) The first day I'm probably not as willing to go as low as I might after a week. Stuff I just want gone gets listed lower than the going rate. A lot depends on the item too, as mentioned by several others. But I certainly don't get mad over *reasonable* offers.I hate when people offer lower prices on stuff I have up. Either you want it or you don’t…..
One of my bosses gave me a sign which now hangs on my wall "Born to Fish.... Forced to Work".My nephew sent this picture of the two of us tonight View attachment 1247643and asked me if I was ready to get the boat back on the water yet
This boy doesn’t realize, I daydream all day, since 2nd grade….. of hunting and fishing
I’m just BLESSED to have a job that allows me to have fun in the outdoors
I hate it. Especially with the younger crowed. Either you want to sell something or you don't. I never haggle price over the computer. That's just dumb imo. My message to all the people with truck I wanted to look at was simple.On the flip side, I prefer to message as it cuts down the BS especially from tire kickers or people who want to aggressively negotiate before showing up. (If I am selling, I don't wiggle much until people are in front of the item holding cash).
I almost always start with email exchanges and then go to text/phone if it appears legit. I've broken that rule a few times on items I really wanted, and probably missed out on some deals by not calling first.I think buying online is a vicious cycle. Sellers are guarded because there are so many scammers out there and vice versa.
Usually a few text interchanges will give a decent vibe about the person you are dealing with.
Although when you message someone you want to buy it and they ghost you, that drives me insane. Just tell me someone else has dibs or its sold FFS.
I hate selling things these days. What drives me even more bonkers is when friends or acquaintances say they want to buy my stuff then when I want to sell they all lose interest or they want it for 25 cents on the dollar. I always will cut a deal to a friend but I am not going to fire sale.
FS 130 here. My vote is buy it. I love the torque of a 3 Mix. Also they don't need to run as fast as a typical 2 stroke and are quieter . Good luck!I would think that it would be worth it. My grandfather bought one brand new for me to use to keep his place weedeated with around 2010. I put lots and lots of hours on it and its still kicking today. He had a lot of creek banks to keep knocked down. I've never really had to do anything to it except maybe adjust the valves? Can't remember if I ever did that or not, but I can not see that carb being any more complicated than a typical OPE carb, probably toss a new metering and pump diaphragm in it and be in business.
Powerful machine and would really send the tall Johnson grass flying in the late summer.