sam2506 said:
It floors me that some individuals just have to spout off at the mouth about particular models of saws being a piece of _ _ _ _........But as a occasional user I probably don't need that good of saws either. Many newbie's that are looking for a saw like the Stihl MS290 in a price range and a value they think is good enough for the occasional use, get turned off on a product that would work great for them; because some "joker" thinks his opinionated knowledge or lack of, is more important to force onto others, than helping good people who come to this site for helpful tips and answers.
Yeah Sam, well it floors me that some newbie hypocrite who posted this
sam2506 said:
Thanks for the information guys, I'm a newbie to this site, not to chainsaws, sorry for the confusion. I have had Stihl saws for quite some time, 018, 021, 029, but this is my first big saw.....thought a bigger saw would make the job easier. Thanks again for giving your knowledge to us young bucks.
a mere seven months ago in this thread
Sam`s arsenal and has this statement
sam2506 said:
Buy the best, you get what you pay for
in his profile
here feels that he has a leg to stand on to chastise me for offering an opinion that you don`t like. I call you a hypocrite because "buying the best you can" only applies in your world if we`re talking lawn mowers right?
Atleast many other former users of the 029/290 admit that the saw is a heavy and underpowered beast, I suppose that you haven`t realized that so how then do you rationalize owning an ms260 and an ms460?
Frankly Sam, your saw knowledge probably wouldn`t amount to a pimple on my arse yet you feel vindicated in giving me sh!t for trying to prevent anyone else from buying a boat anchor and you question what I know or what experience I have? You`re almost as pathetic as DMoS who claims to have an MS440 and an 066 yet he just posted that he bought another ms290.
Last time I checked, the pay here for giving knowledge or experience based advice to newbies such as your self really sucked. Don`t think for a minute that I`m going to come in and offer what I know and kiss your arse while I`m doing it, maybe you belong on the tool shed with all the other daisy chainers. If I ruffle your feathers because you made a bad choice, too bad.
If I save someone else from making the same mistake that you made, then I`m happy and isn`t all this feel good freebie advice supposed to make us all happy and save some poor hard worker from wasting his money?
I`m not going to pimp some crap that I don`t believe in. I tried it once and I regret it to this day.