My 2nd Hardest wood to split (pics)

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ArboristSite Guru
Oct 6, 2009
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Coastal CT
When the tree guy dropped off the logs (fall 2012) he said it was Chestnut. I thought Elm would hold the prize for hardest to split but this has me baffled and a close race with Elm. I had to take off my 4 way wedge even on straight pieces. :msp_ohmy:

Even with the single wedge it forcing, popping, and stringy.

My neighbor says its Shade Hickory? I'm really not sure its Chestnut either. Doesnt smell like it. It does have a scent on it but not sure how to describe it.






More to come
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Looks like more than one type of tree. One piece looks ash like. Looks premium none the less.

Edit: some of the bark looks like the large white mulberry tree in my yard, the piece that i originally thought looked like ash.
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The round to the right to me looks like hickory. Hickory will have a semi sweet odor, but a fantastic sweet odor when it's burning. Also the stringiness and the color tells me it's a hickory.
I should also add, its still very heavy and green even after sitting for 7 months.

My plan is to use this in my wood stove for the winter.
I agree that it looks like a variety of wood. The second picture down , the top piece looks like a large redbud. Also in the first picture, the two pieces on the right. But there is some hickory in that pile and some other.
I'm willing to bet it's hickory. Green hickory has a sweet smell and is very heavy, very stringy and hard to split.
I think you guys are right... It's feeling a lot like Hickory to me now. But the smoth bark is throwing it off. Usually Hickory barks are thick, silverish and long. No?

Would Chestnut or Walnut be heavy & green after 7 moths sitting? Would it have a bark like the 2nd picture on the left? Would they be stringy?

Here's another closeup of the strongs and the maroonish color inside. Im having fun stacking them. LOL

Cambium.......the hickory we have down here is just about as smooth on the bark as poplar. I've seen some pictures of hickory that has bark almost a flaky as white oak. But all I've seen around here is smooth.
It has to be at least -20, before I'd try an split that with a axe. The easiest way to split that wood is with a chainsaw, lay-em on there side, they split fast-an easy.
hickory. Some split much harder than others, even the same kind, sometimes they split better from the bottom end. All split better tangentially.(Knock off the edges)
I hate splitting Hickory by hand! It sucks! I always avoid it when possible. Burns nice though
I split some wood today that I got last week. I was told it was some kind of maple . It was a pain to split, very stringy.

Im not good with wood ID, but is maple wood stringy ?
I split some wood today that I got last week. I was told it was some kind of maple . It was a pain to split, very stringy.

Im not good with wood ID, but is maple wood stringy ?

Maple isnt a straight easy cut like Ash or Oak but it should be that stringy either. Best thing to do is po0st a new thread with some pics for us
I see a selection of wood.
A couple rounds of black Walnut, a round of ash and a couple of what I think is pignut hickory.
Did you visit WoodsRus store and go shopping :)

The pignut split green can be stringy stuff but the rest are easy splits.
Only Gum and American elm look the nasty splits though so I bet you found some Gum in the mix.

Pretty sure I see some split gum, hickory, black walnut and ash in the split piles.
Must have been interesting splitting having one piece split like a nasty beast then have the next pop like nothing.
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hickory for the most part.stringy and tough to split even after sitting for a while. i have 3 p/u loads sitting now to be hurry. young small hickory will have smoother bark like in some of your pics. i save the hickory for the cold days.
Cambium.......the hickory we have down here is just about as smooth on the bark as poplar. I've seen some pictures of hickory that has bark almost a flaky as white oak. But all I've seen around here is smooth.

No shagbark where you are? Got a bunch here. flaky aint the word for it, I call it dinosaur scales.
it matches the same mockernut hickory i picked up last winter; weighs a gazillion tons; and seems to rot really fast if it is not cracked in at least half. it started molding up in a month in my yard.

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