My Apology to AS and Jeff Lary

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ArboristSite Lurker
Jan 27, 2009
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I would've liked to post this in the trading post section but understandably I assume I've had this privilege suspended.
I have been reading AS for a long time and been a member for a while. I have learned a great deal of knowledge from those on here that freely share it to those of us who ask. I have used this info many times since I found the site.
Over these years I have purchased several chainsaws and accessories on here with no issues. And just recently bought two saws for nearly $1,000 from a great member here. I had never sold anything and decided to sell a little Poulan Pro saw I have had setting around for a few years and didn't use. I was going to use the money to buy a bar for one of the used saws I had just bought on here. If I only could go back to when that thought popped into my head.
I took pictures of my saw and posted it here in the trading post section. With never selling a saw that I had to ship before, I wasn't sure how much shipping would be but figured maybe $15, so I put my price at $65 hoping to clear about 50 to buy a new bar. I received several messages from members about buying the saw. I sold the saw to the first member in order of their messages who was Jeff Lary. We exchanged PM's and he advised he had sent out a money order which I received in a few days. Here is where I'm ashamed of myself.
I took the money order to the bank and cashed it with all intentions of shipping the saw that afternoon when I got off work as I had the gas drained out of the saw and bar off of it. This did not happen and when Mr. Lary pm'd to ask about the saw I made an unexcusable mistake and lied to him saying I had shipped it and left the tracking number in my vehicle thinking that I would just ship it out first thing in the morning. That evening I came down with the flu (punishment I believe for my poor choice) This knocked me down for a couple days and for reasons I still don't know why chose to not respond to Mr Lary's inquiries instead of letting him know what was going on and asking for more time.
I went to my local UPS drop off place which is in a printing/copy store where I get cards made and asked them what was the best way to ship a chainsaw. They advised me if I would create a personal account with UPS I could print my own shipping labels and it would save me money over having them do it for me. I created my account and when it asked me the weight I guessed it a 7 lbs. I took it back to the copy store the next day and dropped it off for shipping. I printed off a copy of my email confirmation on my portable thermal printer.
That evening when I got home my Uncle called me saying he had just got off the phone with Mr. Lary and to call him right away. I fed the animals and went inside when Mr. Lary called me from the number my Uncle had given me. Up to this point I had never read my PM's or listened to any voicemails. He was stern but not irate and advised me what steps he was prepared to take to get his saw. As with any lie, it turns into a bigger one and I stuck with my original story that I had shipped it the week earlier instead of telling him I had just shipped it that day.
I am ashamed at my actions and the poor decisions I made as im trying to teach my own son it is never ok to lie or intentionally mislead someone. But I also am teaching him when you do mess up to admit your mistake, make it right and ask the one you've wronged to forgive you and that's what I'm doing.
I am not an 18 or 20 year old kid that's been in and out of trouble. I'm double that age with a family and have never even had a traffic ticket let alone a criminal charge. It was never my intention to fraud anyone out of anything which coincidentally is the first element to mail fraud, intent. I made a mistake, no more no less.
I think you can see by the pictures Mr. Lary posted that the saw was in the exact shape I described it and after paying the $24 it cost me to ship it came out $41 to the good. What began as way I figured I could make some money to buy a bar for my new saw turned into two weeks of heartache for Mr. Lary and because of my actions, my name to be compromised on a great site I admire and enjoy.
I sincerely apologize and hope you can forgive me. I plan to keep coming to the site and learning more from you guys. If possible maybe one day be able to buy some more stuff off of trading post. But I can assure you there will be no more selling on my part. Hardest $41 lesson I ever learned, but I did and now that's behind me. Thanks for taking the time to listen.
We all make mistakes and do things that we later regret- that's just human nature. Admitting it and saying you are sorry is a big step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned. Personally, I would refund Jeff his money to help make up for his troubles and let him keep the saw. Especially since we are only talking $65 to begin with. Knowing Jeff, I'm sure that would go a long way with him. Just a thought...

Either way, well done for facing the music.
I would've liked to post this in the trading post section but understandably I assume I've had this privilege suspended.
I have been reading AS for a long time and been a member for a while. I have learned a great deal of knowledge from those on here that freely share it to those of us who ask. I have used this info many times since I found the site.
Over these years I have purchased several chainsaws and accessories on here with no issues. And just recently bought two saws for nearly $1,000 from a great member here. I had never sold anything and decided to sell a little Poulan Pro saw I have had setting around for a few years and didn't use. I was going to use the money to buy a bar for one of the used saws I had just bought on here. If I only could go back to when that thought popped into my head.
I took pictures of my saw and posted it here in the trading post section. With never selling a saw that I had to ship before, I wasn't sure how much shipping would be but figured maybe $15, so I put my price at $65 hoping to clear about 50 to buy a new bar. I received several messages from members about buying the saw. I sold the saw to the first member in order of their messages who was Jeff Lary. We exchanged PM's and he advised he had sent out a money order which I received in a few days. Here is where I'm ashamed of myself.
I took the money order to the bank and cashed it with all intentions of shipping the saw that afternoon when I got off work as I had the gas drained out of the saw and bar off of it. This did not happen and when Mr. Lary pm'd to ask about the saw I made an unexcusable mistake and lied to him saying I had shipped it and left the tracking number in my vehicle thinking that I would just ship it out first thing in the morning. That evening I came down with the flu (punishment I believe for my poor choice) This knocked me down for a couple days and for reasons I still don't know why chose to not respond to Mr Lary's inquiries instead of letting him know what was going on and asking for more time.
I went to my local UPS drop off place which is in a printing/copy store where I get cards made and asked them what was the best way to ship a chainsaw. They advised me if I would create a personal account with UPS I could print my own shipping labels and it would save me money over having them do it for me. I created my account and when it asked me the weight I guessed it a 7 lbs. I took it back to the copy store the next day and dropped it off for shipping. I printed off a copy of my email confirmation on my portable thermal printer.
That evening when I got home my Uncle called me saying he had just got off the phone with Mr. Lary and to call him right away. I fed the animals and went inside when Mr. Lary called me from the number my Uncle had given me. Up to this point I had never read my PM's or listened to any voicemails. He was stern but not irate and advised me what steps he was prepared to take to get his saw. As with any lie, it turns into a bigger one and I stuck with my original story that I had shipped it the week earlier instead of telling him I had just shipped it that day.
I am ashamed at my actions and the poor decisions I made as im trying to teach my own son it is never ok to lie or intentionally mislead someone. But I also am teaching him when you do mess up to admit your mistake, make it right and ask the one you've wronged to forgive you and that's what I'm doing.
I am not an 18 or 20 year old kid that's been in and out of trouble. I'm double that age with a family and have never even had a traffic ticket let alone a criminal charge. It was never my intention to fraud anyone out of anything which coincidentally is the first element to mail fraud, intent. I made a mistake, no more no less.
I think you can see by the pictures Mr. Lary posted that the saw was in the exact shape I described it and after paying the $24 it cost me to ship it came out $41 to the good. What began as way I figured I could make some money to buy a bar for my new saw turned into two weeks of heartache for Mr. Lary and because of my actions, my name to be compromised on a great site I admire and enjoy.
I sincerely apologize and hope you can forgive me. I plan to keep coming to the site and learning more from you guys. If possible maybe one day be able to buy some more stuff off of trading post. But I can assure you there will be no more selling on my part. Hardest $41 lesson I ever learned, but I did and now that's behind me. Thanks for taking the time to listen.

Thanks for the explanation I just wish you had picked up the phone or sent me a pm. I would have easily agreed to allow all the time you needed life is life and sh.... happens it happens to us all. The saw seems to be in wonderful condition just as you described it. It runs well and looks new. I will admit that had it not been for another member linking this post to the trading post thread I would have never seen it. I did not even know this "Community " thread existed. I apologize for assuming you were younger than you are and had been in trouble before but at the time and the previous phone call to Uncle supported my assumption some. In any case we all make less than perfect choices in life and in the bigger scheme of things this will be a small one. I wish you well and thanks for a great little saw. Jeff
Wow. Never seen a post like that before.

I've sold hundreds of things online, and my rule is have the item packaged and ready to ship before listing. I never want to be under the gun to find a box, pack and ship something.
I try to do that too, then I have random s*** in boxes everywhere haha

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