This is a bunch of Crap! Say good-bye , I dont care, but dont make a thread that is a bunch of crap! GO! BYE! I dont care-Stupid and dumb are playing games!
Oldirty hisself rockin' a high limbwalk
WTF do you have to do with it? That's what I asked you in the post you are quoting.
Let me be clearer so you and everyone else will be on the same page.
You and dozerdogue are posting from the same place. So it is either one of your co-workers or it is you posting with an alias. I think the latter. So what was it I wrecked other than you posting with no balls?
And I am not fighting his battles, you are breaking the rules at this site. Not to mention that you are doing it from work. I wonder if is aware that one of their own is taking the time to use their internet access to put up an alias to harass someone with.
Go BS someone else, because you're WTF story is a buncha crap.
I'm with the "you should stay" crowd Oldirty...I've noticed lots of people who don't post so much anymore, but still do alot of lurkin....
Or you could form the "Oldirty's tree gods" social group, and choose who gets in to post.
Maybe you all should get a room because I see nothing special but a guy who's ego is too big. Look at my join date and amount of post's. You wanna go?, Go and SHUT_-UP! Maybe you feel depressed? You waste a thread on your self pity!
Jeff Lovstrom
Maybe you all should get a room because I see nothing special but a guy who's ego is too big. Look at my join date and amount of post's. You wanna go?, Go and SHUT_-UP! Maybe you feel depressed? You waste a thread on your self pity!
Jeff Lovstrom
Maybe you all should get a room because I see nothing special but a guy who's ego is too big. Look at my join date and amount of post's. You wanna go?, Go and SHUT_-UP! Maybe you feel depressed? You waste a thread on your self pity!
Jeff Lovstrom
Maybe you all should get a room because I see nothing special but a guy who's ego is too big. Look at my join date and amount of post's. You wanna go?, Go and SHUT_-UP! Maybe you feel depressed? You waste a thread on your self pity!
Jeff Lovstrom
Wow no wonder I don't care for Cali too much. Oldirty may not be special in the fact he is just a very good tree man but I tell you this: in my youth I could hang with any of you guys. Oldirty is on a great gig and crew many of us oldtimers only got to dream about. Oldirty is well versed and experienced and working top assignments on the eastern coast. You say nothing special, I say working in central park has a little special involved in it. I am a 26 year vet but oldirty has more crane time than I will prolly ever dream to accrue. You say no big deal, I say it may be if he shares something that an old dog can use or even if it entertains one. I remember times in my 30's I so wanted to fall into a gig like he is working. I would say oldirty is and will always be a little special to many here. I of course feel that way about many of my friends on AS.
Sounds like a pity party to me!
Just don't go picking up the bottle again wouldn't want to see you relapse or anything.
Is that so Mr No Count tree? So what are you doing here? Your not invited to the farewell party. Only friends.
What, you think since you posted a couple of pics of yourself dropping a dead stob you could make a pimple on the ass of the OD?
I don't think so friend... Your not invited to the treehouse. Get back with the HO's where you belong punk.
Look at me Mr.HO, I got a pair of spikes and a belt, I can take down a dead stob, so you can too... Tisk, tisk. Your a puss. Where's your rope work, wheres your crane work. Show us something to make us think you even have enough knowledge to criticize this guy...