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Hey, what we do is so easy that anyone can do it... FOR BEER MONEY!!! :greenchainsaw:
Went back and checked MDS and it was not your quote I referred to. My apology for confusing your names.
Hey, what we do is so easy that anyone can do it... FOR BEER MONEY!!! :greenchainsaw:
Went back and checked MDS and it was not your quote I referred to. My apology for confusing your names.
Oh, thats cool.
It can get confusing sometimes.
Oldirty is a friend of mine and I would hate to fall out of touch, and I would miss him around here immensely was all I was trying to add here.... other than the NC thing that is.
Oh no! What are we all going to do? We'll never be able to survive without the greatest climber ever! Just ask him, he'll tell you! My life here is over. Maybe I should quit too. Who will tell us what's gay and what isn't? Who will be able to describe himself as "well hung in a tree" in a forum primarily made up of guys? Who will now be the "foreman to a committee of buzzard" when it didn't seem he was a foreman of anything anyways?
"to all the posers and pretenders out there, may you be taught a valuable lesson. whatever it may be."
Classic line. Posers. if there was anyone in here that as a poser it was oldirty. All of his pictures are him POSING next to someones crane or someones chiper, never his own stuff. BFD! Anyone can work for someone else. Do it on your own and then call me.
See ya.
You don't have to get all mad about it because you don't get to ride the sickest crane on the East Coast.
Thats just another crane and by far not the sickest , its something to be proud of your occupation and quite another to feel that you stand in a class far above others , and I'm not talking to anyone in particular just stating the truth...I feel as tree climbers and owners we are all just small fish in a huge pond ..
I was just trying to tell him to calm down a bit. I am not one to critique the finer points of your industry. I just think Justin had a funny sense of humor and loved his job and life.
.I feel as tree climbers and owners we are all just small fish in a huge pond ..
Yeah....and guys pumping up 3 pointers in their driveways and guys on high school teams and guys on Duke and the Lakers are just basketball players and all just small fish in a huge pond.....
what a lame post.
it's no wonder this site is losing it's best, brightest and most helpful.
this is really truly absurd. A mod should move this out of the pro forum into vagina flow section.
this is really truly absurd. A mod should move this out of the pro forum into vagina flow section.
I'm not going anywhere