granted im late to the party, but i wouldnt be afraid of the air cylinder to run the saw bar if you already have air.
granted your going to want a large storage tank, but air cylinders are fine, and are used for more then just manufacturing.
believe it or not, the debarking head on a sawmill debarker, is raised/ lowered by a 3" air cylinder. 2 reasons: biggest, is the give when the log has a knot, or bell, or knee, that keeps it from being round on the rollers. also speed, the thing moves rather quickly up or down.
so i would think, in a sawbuck application, air would be rather beneficial, FAST down to touch the log and start the cut, yet SLOWER to put a large amount of pressure on the teeth and bog the saw. it will put plenty of pressure downwards, but any lag from the line sizing will make this pressure build slowly.
I myself, prefer to stick to my guns and prove the naysayers wrong, versus let every little thing people say change my plans.
the criticism i find most helpful with these forums is the things you didnt see that someone else picks up on. and parts locating. very helpful with that.
looking forward to seeing your build progress.
im trying my best NOT to build one, but like you, ive been saying for a long time that someone should put the log loader right on there.
only bad news i have for you is that a old cheap prentice or barko loader is worth way less then the time you will have into building one. 800 in materials, no grapple yet, 80 hours plus welding vs 2k on a working loader. bolt on and go. you have enough fab time on the rest of the processor.
love the wedge too. always like the circle wedges.