With both valves in center position, all oil is going thru the first valve, out the PB, thru pressure port of second valve, out the return port of your second valve to the filter then to tank, either valve will work. When ever the first valve, ( autocycle valve) is shifted, all oil is diverted to the work ports to make the cyl move, and out the return ports of valve back to filter.Since both levers on the ACV are fully shifted, No oil will go to the second valve. Any bleed over of oil to the second valve would be minimal. The only time you will be able to use the second set of valves is when the ACV is in center position. If this is how you want the hyd to work, then your plumbing is correct. I suspect the second valve is your log lift and for some other function not yet determined since the ports are plugged. As plumbed, your log lift will not work as long as the splitting cyl is moving. This might be what you are wanting, but not the way I would do it. It is my personal choice, not a requirement to do it another way. Since a log lift would only take a moment to lift or lower, I think I would want to be able to do so while the splitter is going in and out, not waiting on the splitter to complete its cycle before moving. If you run the fluid thru the valve on the right side first, and then to the autocycle valve, you would be able to activate the autocycle valve and start the splitting and then while the splitter is in cycle, still be able to raise and lower your log lift. The splitting cycle would only be interrupted for the time it takes to make whatever adjustment needed for the log lift and as soon as you released the loglift the spitting cycle would finish. Since you already have your machine plumbed, I would go ahead and give it a try and see if it works to suit you, you can always change it later if you find you want to be able to use the log lift while splitting, its just a matter of moving two hoses, assuming the valve on the right does have PB.