Until things change we'll just encourage them to go play on government ground. Sorry about that. :msp_smile:
Back in Visconsin, der vas a guy who rode his little motorcycle all year, no matter vhat the veather. He put chains on it in der Vinter. Vhen it got real cold, -20s, he vould have tu park it in a heated room. Vone day ve vent to da bar after vork. It vas -20s so he left it idling outside so he could make it back home. Sometimes he had to be towed tu get it started.
Wish I didn't have to grudgingly agree with you. Got some favorite spots from contracts past I'd like to visit.
me and alott of other's would like to stump that patch. you walk a couple hunderd yards a round it there are plenty of stumps. they saved it for a buffer for the creek and falls that are behind and to the right of me in the pic. used it for years as a hunt camp. theres some nice sticks blown down in it that need cleaned up , this is what it looks like behind me.View attachment 209700View attachment 209701
This yarder has been sitting around since this job. It is parked fairly close to my house. Shall I drive it down to use there? According to the operator, "She sounds just like a fishin' boat on the ocean."
View attachment 209705
Remember, I photoshop the blue sky in my pictures.
Maybe Gologit will send you a bumpersticker. Your new crummy looks sturdy and ready to go.
Yup, that rig is definitely worth a bumper sticker. Very nice indeed.
Sam, PM me an address. The sticker will be in English but the message is universal.
Do you need donations to help with the postage?
Hey Bob, I'll shoot you down a "Get Lost" Montana sticker, you can send that over to him too.
Hey Bob, I'll shoot you down a "Get Lost" Montana sticker, you can send that over to him too.
Cool. PM me your address and I'll get it in the mail. ...Lutefisk :sick: