My Own "Very Personal" E-bay Rant

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Tree Freak
Apr 22, 2001
Reaction score
Loretto/Manton Ky.
A couple of weeks ago, my wife was scheduled for surgery, a full hysterectomy, and removal of a large fibroid tumor.
Thanks to you guys for the good will messages....

I suspended my auctions before in advance. I had a guy buy my "throttle
parts" package right at that time. No problem, it shipped the next day.

A week later, I got a snippy message asking about the item, wanting to know
if I shipped, where is it, etc.
At the end of the message, was a big "In Jesus Christ" before the name "Franc", which I thought was cute.

I clicked on the auction, clicked on the usps link, and saw the item arrived that day. I sent a "cute" e-mail, you all know I can be cute. Saying that usps had delivered it that day, and I or Jesus had no control over the USPS
and so on, as you can imagine, and left it at that.

A few days later, I started getting messages that since I did not get back to them, I might get a neg feed back, and I responded, nothing smart this time.

I kept getting messages that I was not getting back with them, and I would be on their "do not buy" list. They got their item, but.....

A day or two after my wife got out of the hospital, I responded apologizing that i was in the hospital with my wife, and she had a large fibroid tumor removed, so I did not check my messages for a few days.

Then the ice storm hit, and we got power back Mon., and I saw he sent a message that day. I didn't click on it then, as I have not been in a good mood.

He sent another message today, informing me that I have made his
"do not buy" list. Ending again with the sig. "In Jesus Christ"

I clicked on the message he sent the other day, it said "Glad to hear about
the tumor".

My last message was not pleasant, I wish Fla. was closer

I know I can be abraisive, but this guy thinks he is a Christian????????

The tumor remark, he did not use the "In Jesus Christ" sig.

Sorry about the rant, I am due one.

But to make clear, he got the item he paid for, and he keeps sending me nasty messages, and with the current setup, I can only give him positive feedback.

No stalking clauses, etc. Your thoughts, am I being unreasonable?
please post up his email address.... i like to send him some gay sex spam
Remind the azzhole that you have his address and leave that as your last message. That is not a threat, just a statement, should keep him looking over his shoulder for a few months.
Selling on ebay or any retail is a tricky business. Most folks are good and honest, others you just can’t please no matter how hard you try. If the person got the item they paid for in a reasonable amount of time, then you should have a clear conscience. We all get negged sometimes no matter what we do. Not worth wasting any time over or even worrying about.
Place him on Obama's mailing list. He'll be spammed with requests for donations for him and Hilary for so long, he'll beg for mercy...

Either that or place him on the requesting a visit list for the Jehovah's Witnesses...

If you are really feeling evil, send TruGreen-Chemlawn an email requesting a price quote, for his address, both lawn and tree's. He'll forever be on their Telemarketing call list. 20 years from now, he'll still be regretting screwing with you!
Selling on ebay or any retail is a tricky business. Most folks are good and honest, others you just can’t please no matter how hard you try. If the person got the item they paid for in a reasonable amount of time, then you should have a clear conscience. We all get negged sometimes no matter what we do. Not worth wasting any time over or even worrying about.

Very true, I know you are right.....

I shouldn't have started this thread.

My first years after high school, I studied for the "ministry", settled into
"classical" languages, to interpret the bible.

Found that that training was "subjective", went onto various other directions.

So all of my study equalled one thing= Big Loser

But I have a short fuse for the phony Christianity.

Sorry about this thread, I should not have started it........
Jeez, I hope he meant glad as in glad she is ok.

If not, you have his address and you can take a dump or three in a plastic bag, place in a flat rate box and mail it to the sob.
Did the guy leave feedback?
I'm curious to know what his feedback rating is.
Report him to ebay.
You did everything rite. As long as you have delivery confirmation, it's his problem to take it up with the shipper.
This is why I send everything as signature required.

I have almost 200 feed backs on ebay from buying and selling, 100% positive.
I've done this over the last four years and only ran into two douche bags, one was a buyer and one was a seller. The buyer bid on a car I was selling and never paid and the seller never sent. He also ripped off bunch of other guys. Both of these losers were thrown off ebay..................454
Have someone from this board take a pic of his house. Send that to m in his e-mail. Just ask if that is his house because that is where you had the part sent. He'll get t hint that you can reach out and touch him if you want. I'm going to Orlando in a little over a week. If it's on the way in Florida I'd be glad to take it.

I thought about that, but I doubt it now.

I had a German dude buy some stuff from me in Nov. He asked if it would be alright if he bought a bunch of items, and I could combine them on shipping.

I said, sure, no problem.

After a month or so, I kept sending him total invoices, he sent me back a message that said. My Paypal account has been shutr down, you must
cancel our auctions, thanks. I looked at his feedback, and he had positive feedback right up to the date of his last message, so I made 12 unpaid strikes against him, so I got reimbursed for my e-bay fees, but it has not slowed him down a bit. 12 unpaid strikes should have put a crimp on anyone, but he still has %100 rating, no problems. So my opinion of the new system is not good.
Have someone from this board take a pic of his house. Send that to m in his e-mail. Just ask if that is his house because that is where you had the part sent. He'll get t hint that you can reach out and touch him if you want. I'm going to Orlando in a little over a week. If it's on the way in Florida I'd be glad to take it.


The guy's on the boating forum did this to the looser ebay seller who was ripping everybody off. Not only did they take pics of his house, they posted them on the forum, along with pics of his truck and the place where worked. A guy even went into his job and had a word with his boss, who eventually fired the loser.................454
Jeez, I hope he meant glad as in glad she is ok.

If not, you have his address and you can take a dump or three in a plastic bag, place in a flat rate box and mail it to the sob.

No, I went back trough all of our messages, I don't think so.

I went into a long response, which challenged his "christianity"

As I am very capable, as I have a knack for pissing off "Christians".

I am not here for any help, I just threw this up here, because I view you guys as friends, and you guys will definitely let me know if I am in the

I admit I might have been snippy on my first response, saying that it was not Jesus's fault, but the USPS, since I supplied the tracking info.

But this guys messages are bordering on the Psychotic. Maybe e-bay has a stalking clause.

Seriously, I use you guys as a realistic feedback source.

Am I out of line?

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