My Own "Very Personal" E-bay Rant

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Sorry that happened. You judge a person by how they act, not what they say they are. I would guess that acting that way and then putting it in Christ's name would be using the Lord's name in vain. Don't think he is supposed to be doing that. ;)

I had a guy win a tool that was in new condition. Only reason I didn't ship it in the original box was because it would not hold up to shipping. I shipped it the day after he paid for it. He got the item for a twentieth of new cost. With shipping it was about half of new cost due to weight. The guy never contacted me at all, but he left neutral feedback and a comment about not listening to him. :dizzy:

Mr. HE:cool:
Jeez, I hope he meant glad as in glad she is ok.

If not, you have his address and you can take a dump or three in a plastic bag, place in a flat rate box and mail it to the sob.

LOL LOL, I like that Idea best!!!

No, I went back trough all of our messages, I don't think so.

I went into a long response, which challenged his "christianity"

As I am very capable, as I have a knack for pissing off "Christians".

I am not here for any help, I just threw this up here, because I view you guys as friends, and you guys will definitely let me know if I am in the

I admit I might have been snippy on my first response, saying that it was not Jesus's fault, but the USPS, since I supplied the tracking info.

But this guys messages are bordering on the Psychotic. Maybe e-bay has a stalking clause.

Seriously, I use you guys as a realistic feedback source.

Am I out of line?

No Fish I don't think your outa line. I admire your restraint actually.
REgarding JW and Mormons:

if you all ever get visited by a morman or a jw turn them away they are both a cult they depend on religion and not on Christ

Several years ago we were visited by two clean-cut young men on bicycles; it was my daughter's 6th birthday, and we would be having a party for her with some family and the neighbors in the yard; as a lark I invited them to stay for dinner, and cake and ice cream afterwards.

Which they did.

They picked up on the fact that our family are all pretty much straight-ahead Methodists, but get along great with the Lutherans down the road. Plus the potato salad and brats were pretty good. Never a mention of their religion.

One of the fellows sent us a Christmas card inviting us to visit if we ever get to Ogden Ut.

It takes all kinds, good, and not so much to make world. Fish, I hope your bride is healing well, and that your family gets back to the sunny side asap. I remember your posts of the old days, and hope you get back to that special brand of humor.
Have someone from this board take a pic of his house. Send that to m in his e-mail. Just ask if that is his house because that is where you had the part sent. He'll get t hint that you can reach out and touch him if you want. I'm going to Orlando in a little over a week. If it's on the way in Florida I'd be glad to take it.


You can likely take a screenshot of it using Google Earth.

What a jerk.
REgarding JW and Mormons:

if you all ever get visited by a morman or a jw turn them away they are both a cult they depend on religion and not on Christ

Several years ago we were visited by two clean-cut young men on bicycles; it was my daughter's 6th birthday, and we would be having a party for her with some family and the neighbors in the yard; as a lark I invited them to stay for dinner, and cake and ice cream afterwards.

Which they did.

They picked up on the fact that our family are all pretty much straight-ahead Methodists, but get along great with the Lutherans down the road. Plus the potato salad and brats were pretty good. Never a mention of their religion.

One of the fellows sent us a Christmas card inviting us to visit if we ever get to Ogden Ut.

It takes all kinds, good, and not so much to make world. Fish, I hope your bride is healing well, and that your family gets back to the sunny side asap. I remember your posts of the old days, and hope you get back to that special brand of humor.

Great post...
Don't turn Mormons away! My neighbour has a REALLY bad back, repeated operations (through the chest!:dizzy:) etc.
A couple of years ago he had a Mormon pair knock, told them he had no interest in god or religion, etc, and they asked "Is there anything we can do to help?"
Jokingly, he replied, "Well, my livingroom needs painted..."
They asked when would suit, he thought THEY were joking and said "Saturday afternoon"

To his amazement, 4 of them arrived at 1pm Saturday, ladders and all, and painted the room without even a word spoken about religion. Then thanked him, and left.
He kept offering them beer and coffee, as well... :D
Never heard from them since, they must have him on their "Do Not Call" list... :D

if you all ever get visited by a morman or a jw turn them away
My wife had a checkup yesterday, and she is doing fine. I appreciate
the comments and concern. I am amazed about how I can get so annoyed by
a message like that, but it set me off last night.
I actually enjoy discussing religon with Mormons, Jehovah witnesses, etc.
They usually don't enjoy it much. I used to attend different churches on the
fringes, just for the experience. Never been to a snake handlers service,
now that would be interesting.
My wife had a checkup yesterday, and she is doing fine. I appreciate
the comments and concern. I am amazed about how I can get so annoyed by
a message like that, but it set me off last night.
I actually enjoy discussing religon with Mormons, Jehovah witnesses, etc.
They usually don't enjoy it much. I used to attend different churches on the
fringes, just for the experience. Never been to a snake handlers service,
now that would be interesting.

Just let it go man........send the e-mails to ebay and they might do something,then again they might not.

There's more in life to worry about then some idiot.

Send our best to the other half in hopes of a speedy recovery.

Revenge can be fun sometimes, but it can eat ya' up to.

This guys like the driver that gets on my bumper going down the road.I just turn the tables and slow down. PiXXes him off instead.
Fish, You are the bigger man for not stooping to his level and returning insults. He'll get his in due time. I sure hope you've blocked him on the 'bay. I bet it is a young guy with his hat on backwards, pants falling down, and a coffee can mufler on his high performance korean "automobile." I guess pr!cks come in all varietys, though....
Fish.. Glad to hear about your wife doing better..
as for the rant... rant away... we all need to vent sometimes... as for the revenge and the getting even... there is a verse.. "Vengeance is mine.. I will repay , thus says the Lord" now... its fun to talk about... and the oh it would be nice to do... but I would say take the high road... send it to ebay and see if they do anything... and for him to use Jesus name like that, really rubs me the wrong way... and I am sure Jesus is not to happy about it either.

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