My Own "Very Personal" E-bay Rant

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I had a buyer stiff me on the bay once.

Since I did have his address and his email address, he now has new subscriptions to Hot Rod, Playboy, Field and stream, among others.

He also may get a few new items delivered from the Danbury mint. :)
You didn't do anything wrong fish. Some people are just JERKS!! And most that hide behind Christianity anymore are the BGGEST JERKS you will meet!!
Report him to ebay, then do as trimmmed advised.
Have someone from this board take a pic of his house. Send that to m in his e-mail. Just ask if that is his house because that is where you had the part sent. He'll get t hint that you can reach out and touch him if you want. I'm going to Orlando in a little over a week. If it's on the way in Florida I'd be glad to take it.


Shoot, with Google maps and the street view you can just ask about the blue minivan in the driveway, ask him if you can come over and shoot hoops at his basketball hoop, etc. Good fun!
He also may get a few new items delivered from the Danbury mint. :)

My favourite - did you manage to get him the Elvis plate that plays "Love Me Tender" when taken off the display stand?
The last Ebay argument I had was a guy who sold a Jerry can to "The UK" for £11 plus £4 postage. Then I got a message saying that because I was in Northern Ireland, an aditional £14.50 postage charge would apply!
I sent him an email telling him that N. Ireland has been and still is, part of the UK.
He accused me of being abusive towards him - so I really got abusive towards him. The air (email) turned blue.
I opened a paypal dispute, won my money back and he doesn't want to pay the postage to get the can back. So I got it for free.
Just because I'm an arrogant prick, I sent him an email telling him he could suck it up, and he could "eat the meat". He hasn't replied yet... if he does, he might get a visit from my mate "Big Paul" - who is about my height, 3 times my weight, covered in Ford tattoos from the knuckles upwards, and drives a Lotus Carlton with some things in the trunk which shouldn't really be there. Big Paul has yet to fail me... the man recovers debts like you wouldn't believe... :D
There has yet to be a man who doesn't quiver when Big Paul comes knocking...
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Send me his address, I'll ship him a dead fish wrapped in newspaper or a fresh pile of cow sh--. What a jerk, it's sad he does not have any sense of the word compassion.
You are not out of line, the majority of society 'wants it now and it better be perfect'. Unfortunatly some of those folks have ebay accounts. Big problem that is only getting worse. I would agree the new feedback system bites, I have had to file several non-payments since the changeover and only had one in over 500 transactions prior. Wrote to ebay about it got the standard 'we continue to evaluate all our changes response.' :dizzy: You can send the nonsense letters to ebay just to satisfy your own curiosity and to see what happens, I doubt much. All means about as much as a big fart in the wind anyway.
On a more important topic,
Hope your wife is recovering well and best wishes for both of you during this stressful time.
Place him on Obama's mailing list. He'll be spammed with requests for donations for him and Hilary for so long, he'll beg for mercy...

Either that or place him on the requesting a visit list for the Jehovah's Witnesses...

If you are really feeling evil, send TruGreen-Chemlawn an email requesting a price quote, for his address, both lawn and tree's. He'll forever be on their Telemarketing call list. 20 years from now, he'll still be regretting screwing with you!

Better yet, get him on the mailing/call list for the Scientology group. I understand they're extremely persistent too. :dizzy:

Fish, hope your wife is doing well, terrible to hear there are people like that on ebay, or in the world for that matter.

I do agree with Jacob J. though, forward the email messages on to ebay.

As soon as SOME people get into a power position, they just become the biggest idiots. Ever see people who look nice enough, they order a meal, and then all they can do is look for problems and complain, its just like a game for them. Ebay is the same,, even if you have hundreds of feedback, people assume you are trying to rip them off, and when emailing are complete monsters. Get them on the phone and a totally different story. Not so easy to be an idiot. As a him calling himself a Christian, many people pretend to be, not many are. Jesus spoke of them, saying they would call him lord, but be workers of inequity. (Full of wrongdoing, or lawlessness).

No, I won't do that.

Anyway, he is a buyer, so you can only give him 100% positive.

If he leaves you negative feedback, then leave him a positive feedback in all capital letters -- and make it the scathing negative that it should be. It will be seen. I think this guys not only needs a life, but I think you are his new Pen-pal.
This guy is a 1st class a-hole to make a lousy remark about your Wife's hardship. I hope she is doing well by the way.

Just let it go and move on. What comes around usually goes around. I'm sure this tool will get his some day.
The replys to this topic are so DAMN hillarious that I almost pi$$ed my pant and fell out of the chair.( nothing towards you fish) The one about shipping him three chits in a box or the dead fish & cow **** package are freakin funny as hell:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: on a serious note I hope your wife has a speedy recovery fish Steve:chainsaw:
First of all wanna say I'm glad things went well with your wife's surgery. Secondly, we live in the panhandle, so if this "Christian" happens to be close by, I just may be able to assist you in some capacity. Just let me know.
Glad your wife is doing well

You showed good restraint fish

Perhaps you can practice a better form of Christian principle by forgiving the guys indiscretion

I hope you are doing well.......being the worried spouse many times can be more stressful than the one who had surgery
Surgery/ebay rant

Sorry to hear about the missus, hopefully she makes a full recovery and has no more surgery. Whats that S.O.B's feedback like? With an attitude like that you should tell him to let his friends know to add you to the DO-NOT-BUY-LIST as well cause anyone that hangs with someone like that who saids they are christian and adds "Glad about the tumor" are certain be be a group of A_ _ H _ _ es. God i hope they don't reproduce!! Theres a good reason ( other than baseball ) that bats were invented. :censored: Rant away Fish.
You showed good restraint fish

Perhaps you can practice a better form of Christian principle by forgiving the guys indiscretion

I hope you are doing well.......being the worried spouse many times can be more stressful than the one who had surgery

Fish is the ultimate cool dude. This guy sending him the nasties must have a serious personality defect along the lines of a serial killer or rapist.
You showed good restraint fish

Perhaps you can practice a better form of Christian principle by forgiving the guys indiscretion

I hope you are doing well.......being the worried spouse many times can be more stressful than the one who had surgery


Fish is the ultimate cool dude. This guy sending him the nasties must have a serious personality defect along the lines of a serial killer or rapist.

:agree2: :cheers:
As soon as SOME people get into a power position, they just become the biggest idiots. Ever see people who look nice enough, they order a meal, and then all they can do is look for problems and complain, its just like a game for them. Ebay is the same,, even if you have hundreds of feedback, people assume you are trying to rip them off, and when emailing are complete monsters. Get them on the phone and a totally different story. Not so easy to be an idiot. As a him calling himself a Christian, many people pretend to be, not many are. Jesus spoke of them, saying they would call him lord, but be workers of inequity. (Full of wrongdoing, or lawlessness).


i agree there dave what gets me is why is he treating fish like this and at the same time having a issue with attitude etc.

something does not compute almost reminds me of a attutude of a JW type of living

if they are of that nature then that explains everything
JW= Jehovahs witness

if you all ever get visited by a morman or a jw turn them away they are both a cult they depend on religion and not on Christ

hate to say it but its true

i remember when fish was mia i sent emails to check on him to see if he was ok yes it had me concerned about him so that comes to show how i am inside
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if you all ever get visited by a morman or a jw turn them away they are both a cult they depend on religion and not on Christ

I remembered a funny story.....

They came to the house one time, I walked to the door with a AR strapped to my chest and a beer in one hand. Then asked, "What the he** ya'll want"? They didn't wish to speak with a redneck after that, also seemed to pedal faster as I walked out the door.
Take the high road ....

It may sting a bit in the beginning, but you know you'll feel better in the end. Send his junk to e-bay, and ask them how you should handle it now. :dizzy:

I learned a long time ago, sometimes you just have to deal with "mental midgets". :buttkick:

In the mean time, hope all goes well at home. THAT is the important part. :heart:

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