I've got another idea for the swedish candle. Ever since i read the first post on this i have been counting the days until the weather drops below 90 so i can stand to be near a campfire. While watching some stupid reality tv show last night, my mind wondered off to thinking about the swedish candle log and camping. Normally when i camp the main thing to do is cook and eat. Thinking of doing both reminded me of my Dutch oven and then i had the idea of using a smaller version of the swedish candle to heat a dutch oven being hung from a tripod. I like to use my d.o. from a tripod to do things like stews and chili, that way i get to play with fire instead of charcoal. I figure you can take a log around 6" tall and make the 3 cuts to end up with 6 pie shapes about 3 to 4" deep and the flame may not be to high. With such a short long you may have to make 2 or 3 of them depending on how long you want to cook. But that means that you just get to cut more wood! This was just an idea i had and figured it was worth a try. What do you guys think?