My valve is sticking

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Jun 13, 2005
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I went out and did some splitting today. After awhile I noticed a odd "feature", the valve was staying in foreward. Huh? Not supposed to do that. I messed with it a bit, and split some more wood. Maybe it clear itself up.
Nope. In fact when it "sticks" it is very difficult to force it back to neutral.
Reverse is un-affected. After I shut it down later, the valve is still doing it! so it isn't the oil flow, it is something physicaly jaming the spool!

Looks like I have to take the thing apart now. :bang:

Now would be a great time to order that auto reverse valve :blob2:
except it ain't in the budget....

Oh well... it has only been 3 or 4 years.... and several changes of various parts. Hunk of trash, or o-ring in a twist....

Might be the backing seal is split and binding up. Easy enough fix, if you can get the right parts.
I found it...

I have linkage that extends the lever to a point farther away from the valve.
It would seem that my home-brew hinge pin broke. Then the piece was dragging against the support bracket. :cry:

I can do better. Simple repair. I will get right on it... in a few days :hmm3grin2orange:
