Do you fully retract the clyinder when it's not in use to keep the rod in oil and to keep it from being exposed?
Yes... if the splitter will be sitting unused for more than a day or so.
Do you fully retract the clyinder when it's not in use to keep the rod in oil and to keep it from being exposed?
Yes... if the splitter will be sitting unused for more than a day or so.
:waaaht::crazy1:I've got my splitter running on auto return now. It took a few hours this afternoon to 'rig it'. This splitter has had a two way detent valve for the past 20 years. The fiberglass tent poles act as a spring and I can adjust tension to determine auto return point by sliding the pulley up or down the rod. Of course it's set to auto return when the slide block hits the ram and the detent kicks back to neutral. I've got about an hour splitting with it and it works pretty good. All parts were stuff I had laying around. The cord hooks to the bottom of the sliding block and there is a small piece of chain on the cord so it hands down at that point so the slack cord doesn't end up tangled up in the engine or other parts of the splitter. I used 1/4 plastic tubing tie straped to the splitter as a channel for the cord at a couple of points to keep the cord out of the way when slack. I've never taken videos with my digital camera and I'll give it a try tomorrow and see how it goes.
I've got my splitter running on auto return now.
Years ago we had a garbage truck at work and the packer ran on the same concept as Spiders splitter. ... I think the valve ran on pressure because we could adjust it for the return.
I've got my splitter running on auto return now. It took a few hours this afternoon to 'rig it'. This splitter has had a two way detent valve for the past 20 years.