my wife kills me

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I love your Holz Hausen's! I felled, bucked, and hand split and stacked all the wood for both of mine. Doing the math, I have 6 cord total.

N BTW, I'm a female for those who don't know.

Awsome job. I wussed & borrowed the neighbors splitter. But I cut it all (small pcs.) and Wife & I stacked. She did most of the stacking while I was splitting. No man card for get "good woman card"!:msp_biggrin: Keep it up!
Our conversation tonight was about when I had enough firewood. She is not really understanding when I say "never". She doesn't care if or when I cut, split, etc. she just doesn't want it at the house stacked........which is where we live and where we burn it. I told her to find me a place to store it and I would agree to no more than a cord here at any one time. She doesn't know what a cord measures, just that it is a "wood" word.:blob2:

I'm in the same boat. My wife doesn't like to see wood stacked anywhere that's visible to a visitor. I do have part of a shed full which should be two years worth. I still have a bunch at the inlaws so we're both probably three years up.

The other night she was driving me someplace and I was telling her about the woodcutting that has been going on and roughly how much is left to cut and she said " are you panicking because you don't know where to cut next? And something about how much more do you need?

Its all good though. She loves the HOT water from the owb and no mess in the house anymore.
Awsome job. I wussed & borrowed the neighbors splitter. But I cut it all (small pcs.) and Wife & I stacked. She did most of the stacking while I was splitting. No man card for get "good woman card"!:msp_biggrin: Keep it up!

Thanks! :msp_biggrin: Some day I might even make a good wife! Nah!!! :msp_biggrin:

I have almost enough wood now to put up a 3rd one so as soon as the weather warms a bit, I'll get started.

N come spring I plan on planting wild flowers around them. (about a foot or two away actually)
Our conversation tonight was about when I had enough firewood. She is not really understanding when I say "never". She doesn't care if or when I cut, split, etc. she just doesn't want it at the house stacked........which is where we live and where we burn it. I told her to find me a place to store it and I would agree to no more than a cord here at any one time. She doesn't know what a cord measures, just that it is a "wood" word.:blob2:

That is one of her complaints also. I am hoping to build a wood shed this spring to get my wood out of view from the house.

I was fortunate to get a bunch of wood last year with out having to fell any trees. I bucked split and stacked 8+ cord before I even owned a stove. I have a couple cord downed from Sandy I need to get to soon. I need a splitter but that isn't in the budget so I'm trying to beg or borrow one to get me through.
Over the years, I've developed a very keen sense of selective hearing. I find it does wonders in helping me deal with my wife's "suggestions" and "guidance".
My Sunshine

Me and my wife argued and argued about where to put the wood rows. I finally just quit with my pride and moved them. It has actually turned out much better. I also sell wood this is a old pic. I am up to 4 rows and am planning on 10 this next year since I ran out of wood to sell in November.


Now I have one side of the garden that I don't have to fence.

My wife likes it warm. This is the first year with the stove. She is cold natured so it stays around 80 in the house. My wife LOVES to feed the stove. She has been a stay at home mother since we married 20 years ago so she burns a lot of wood. She does not cut, will not split and will only hand me wood to stack only when I beg her.

She says her job is to stand there and look pretty for me.


Now some people might say that "she needs to help you"

Well her being a stay at home mother, I almost never have to do anything in the house. I do offer but she has her own ways of doing things. I also have dinner ready when I get home at 5:30. Even though our 18 year old son is in college, she still gets up and makes his breakfast almost every morning.

I am a VERY blessed man. So i will move the stacks and do all of the wood work.
The wife claims my wood ain't nothin' to brag about... I don't get it :(
Sometimes when I tell people I have a lot of wood she bursts out laughing... I just don't get it :(
I keep cuttin' and stackin' more and more wood... I just don't get, how much wood does it take anyway?

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my wife and i burned only wood this winter in our fireplace until the fire. now we have to run propane and it sucks went from being to hot to sit in the living room to the mid 50's cuz theres a 3'x7' hole in our ceiling. as far as wood goes... theres a lean off the garage that i had full before we even closed on the place this past april. its 8'x28'x about 5'6". u do the math andthe wife helped stack that. i have what was a hayshed that now has around 18-19 cords of all split white oak and ash, red elm and ironwood. my wife and i are going to get a owb after the fire. and everytime i go cut wood she looks at me and says "ur never goona stop are u". all i say is nope, i love ya, see ya later:msp_biggrin:
The wife claims my wood ain't nothin' to brag about... I don't get it :(
Sometimes when I tell people I have a lot of wood she bursts out laughing... I just don't get it :(
I keep cuttin' and stackin' more and more wood... I just don't get, how much wood does it take anyway?


It's not "how much"'s how you use it. :laugh:
The wife claims my wood ain't nothin' to brag about... I don't get it :(
Sometimes when I tell people I have a lot of wood she bursts out laughing... I just don't get it :(
I keep cuttin' and stackin' more and more wood... I just don't get, how much wood does it take anyway?


just tell her its less lawn to mow:D
The wife claims my wood ain't nothin' to brag about... I don't get it :(
Sometimes when I tell people I have a lot of wood she bursts out laughing... I just don't get it :(
I keep cuttin' and stackin' more and more wood... I just don't get, how much wood does it take anyway?


That's an awesome pile of wood but it does appear that the roof on that outbuilding could use a bit of a tune-up. :msp_smile:
Y'all just need to find a woman who appreciates all kinds of "Good Wood"

Heck I cut and split my own for my wood stove that I installed in it's entirety. Most wood burns well but I especially appreciate hard wood. :msp_biggrin: As for the mess, it comes with the territory but it can be minimized. N wood stacks, if the normal ones in rows aren't acceptable, try a Holz Miete or Holz Hausen. A little creativity goes a long way.

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How much does it extend the drying time with it stacked like that? I think my wife would dig those kind of stacks but I'm still behind the 8 ball with having enough wood in our second season here burning wood.

I give the wife credit. A few years ago she said we should put the woodstove insert in and I said no way, don't like the way they look etc. When I realize how much energy is lost by a fireplace and how much we were spending on oil I became much more reasonable and restored it and put it in. It's a 30 year old stove that looks like a restored antique. It's actually pretty nice and she's proud of it when guests visit. The family also dresses lite when they come over to hang out.

As far as my wood goes, I cut, split and stack it. I cut way more than I can effectively move in my p/u truck with large rounds recently and only have time to load them on Saturdays when my FIL is at the farm with the Bobcat. She has a titanium plate, 10 screws and 4 lego blocks in her neck so I don't expect her to do any of that. Now the 18 year old SS who will only bring it in when it's from the woodshed and he's kissing up... Well he'll be a parent someday and I will be grinning ear to ear when he starts #####ing about it.

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I've been blessed with a good missus. The SheWolf grew up on a farm, all she knew was wood heat. Her Dad did the firewood processing. She has the Arthur Ritus bad and can't help much with it. But she'll go out and bring in a tote if the wood's running out.

When we bought this house around 12 years ago, she suggested getting a wood burner since there's a woodlot next door that came with the deal. I procrastinated, figured it would be more work than it was worth, etc.

Over the years the pro-pain and electric costs kept increasing. After cutting an $800.00 check for pro-pain I said we ought to get us a wood stove in here.

She just smiled and said "You know I suggested that when we moved here. It's about time you listened." :)

She likes it around 78* inside. Suits me fine, too. :)
How much does it extend the drying time with it stacked like that? I think my wife would dig those kind of stacks but I'm still behind the 8 ball with having enough wood in our second season here burning wood.

I give the wife credit. A few years ago she said we should put the woodstove insert in and I said no way, don't like the way they look etc. When I realize how much energy is lost by a fireplace and how much we were spending on oil I became much more reasonable and restored it and put it in. It's a 30 year old stove that looks like a restored antique. It's actually pretty nice and she's proud of it when guests visit. The family also dresses lite when they come over to hang out.

As far as my wood goes, I cut, split and stack it. I cut way more than I can effectively move in my p/u truck with large rounds recently and only have time to load them on Saturdays when my FIL is at the farm with the Bobcat. She has a titanium plate, 10 screws and 4 lego blocks in her neck so I don't expect her to do any of that. Now the 18 year old SS who will only bring it in when it's from the woodshed and he's kissing up... Well he'll be a parent someday and I will be grinning ear to ear when he starts #####ing about it.

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Some say it shortens the drying time to something like 3 months, while others have said 2 years. Some have run tests, but I haven't seen anything conclusive either way. But, It won't be long before I start playing Jenga and pull a split or three off the bottom, re split them and take a moisture meter to them. The first wood stacked in those piles was November 11th 2012 so I figure to be fair I should check February 11th. That would be the stack on the right side of the pictures.

I love the looks of the stove. Very nice!

I can empathize with your wife. There's nothing like titanium to slow a person down. I have a pile of hardware (two lag bolts holding in a couple of new discs where the docs went in from the front, then from my backside installed 6 large pedicle screws 2 vertical rods and a horizontal bar. All titanium) in my back due to having it broken in a motorcycle collision. Also what looks like a staple in my hand. That was about 2 and 1/2 years ago.

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I think I saw your post on getting some huge wood not that far back. I hate to say it, but I'd be happier than a pig in a poke! I'd be cuttin n noodlin n splitting n stackin to my hearts content. I might even have to hang a sign by the driveway "Do Not Disturb" :msp_biggrin:

Anyway, keep an eye on the posts figure the 12th of February. I will be posting the results of the tests. If I can get a big enough split out, I might even try one from inside or at least get some kind of reading from it. The wood is from a White Birch
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the "last" wife i had was at home full time from the week after thanksgiving until the end of heating season the following spring. burned 3 cords plus of wood and $1000.00 in propane. i'd come home from work and she'd have the windows up and the doors open because it was so hot inside. wearing sweats, a coat, covered up in a blanket. my central heat hasn't been turned on since i got rid of her.
I was nice to my woman from the burbs, buying her dinners, built her a bike, taking her to shows... until she moved in, and then married me.

Soon as she finished unpacking all her stuff I hand her a maul and wedges and point her to some elm rounds. She was all "I don't know if I know how to use these... " and I was all "WELCOME TO THUNDERDOME!"
How much does it extend the drying time with it stacked like that?

Some say it shortens the drying time to something like 3 months

This was our first holzhausen. What "they" say, in ideal conditions, i.e. open area, plenty of sun and air movement, the wood can go from live tree to seasoned firewood in as little as 2 months. I have yet to see. What they do in Germany, is make them 10' x 10' (probably 3m x 3m). In the center of the pile they put a 10' stake with a mark at the 8' high point. When the top of pile shrinks to that point, it is ready to burn. I didn't use a pole either! But I have enough dry wood to last maybe into next season.

FLXH...Ouch with the pins in the back! Keep on kickin':rock:

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