My wife's in the biz...Ugh or Yeah!!!!

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My wife also has been of great help through the years.
There is strength in numbers, so long as the numbers work together.
Although she's not on the job these days, she has alot of time in on the job and even still watches my back and takes care of a great many things from collecting on jobs and directing crew to taking care of the home front.
I've been with her for over 20 years, and I've never had to worry about her trying to milk a job. ;) my BEST helper! :blob2:
I told my wife that we should start having kids, she seemed somewhat interested in starting, then I opened my big mouth and added.....that way we won't have to pay for so many groundsman...... And straight to the dog house I went. Evidently slave labor isn't a good reason to start a family :p Who knew???
I am not currently married, but my girlfriend comes to work with me when she has days off. I have seen her run circles around the guys dragging brush. And If I have a big nasty rigger coming up Ill schedule it for her day off. She the best hands on rope I have. Maybe cause she dont want me squished....but still. If my guys are slacking I give em ???? and tell the Kristy is on her way to show them how to do it.
Oh Man, if my wife followed me to work some day she'd get really angry...she thinks that I'm a SCUBA diver for roto-rooter! :laugh:
I'd be sunk without her...

In years past (before kids), my wife was my groundie sometimes. That was when I climbed part time.

Now, three boys later, a couple of moves and climbing full time, she does all of the reports, billings, taxrs and manages to keep our household out of constant chaos!

I am a salesperson and climber - without a sound business person behind the operation, I wood be sunk.

My middle boy (8), just brought home some school work. On it were his Thanksgiving wishes. The three things he had on there were, in this order: to be a climber like dad, to get a pick-up, and to get a dirt bike. Am I in trouble or what?!

I need uncle Tom Dunlap to show up with some extra rock climing harnesses so I can get them up there. I have three saddles, but to big for the boys, although I think my oldest (9) may be large enough to fit into one of them safely...

Back to original topic: if you do run the business closely with your spouse, no when to say "no work tonight honey". My wife and I work well together, but there are those evenings when we just leave the computer lay and do some - that's not part of this thread, is it?!

Have fun all.
My wife's not in the biz i dont have one, but my boyfriend is.. guess its allright if he likes it hes allowd ;) Me myself wouldnt give up climbing i enjoy it too much, whats the big deal with girls climbing anyway :confused: i know of a few arborist girls, some capable some less same as blokes

Hi Asa, welcome to the forum! We very much enjoy and welcome women into the community.

We're glad to have you here.... and your boyfriend.

We love our Swedes..... the land of Peltor and Husqvarna.
You can protect your nipples from wayward safey gear by wearing Peltor's Special Nipple Protectors. Nipple protection is underrated and just hasn't caught on in the arbo industry. Some females in our industry, they really like the Peltor Nipple Protectors, but the bulk of the guys for some reason, they overlook this essential gear and just don't adequately protect their nipples.

I'll bet you're just wearing the wrong size, tam. Muffs and visors getting on your nipples is wrong, and it doesn't have to happen. You shouldn't have to suffer like that, my friend.
Don't climb unprotected.
My wifes been in the biz from day one ,she has a secreterial diploma so she runs the office /book work ,appointmants etc etc etc ,she even does the accounts she is a very valuable member of staff,unfortunatly we do seem to bring our working lives home with us when i guess we shouldn't..

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