Need Advice for Saw Size

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Glad you like your new toy.. Hard to beleave what that 1 extra hp Makes.. Can't hardly wait to get my garffenized 2165.
take good care of her she'll last a long time...
good luck Eric
Originally posted by Acer
......but I was disappointed with how it runs with 18"- you really have to keep the revs up or it just sticks (it might be different now, as I recently had a new piston fitted). I think you need a bit more HP than an 026 can give. An instrustor in the past told me that 15" is the limit for something the size of an 026. In the Stihl catalogue for the UK, the max. recommended bar is 18".

If your 026 won't pull an 18" with ease, even in hardwood, it isn't up to snuff. Check the exhaust screen, it's probably clogged up. With a new piston and reducing back pressure on the exhaust end, it should run a LOT stronger. :( I've never seen an 026 run with less than an 18" bar.
Why would you prefer a 044 over a 046? the 046 seems to have More power and if i remember correctly there isnt that much price difference.

Eric? how much would a Walkerized 026 Run?
why did David bring up a 3 month old topic?

Hey Buckwheat, what kind of saw did you get? How's it holding up?
LMAO Hell if i know I didnt scroll back it was on the front page I didnt look at the date! :D
My Walkerized 026 is running just dandy these days, thank you. I finished up a job of these big dead oaks (42-48"), and helped clear some maple and apple trees last weekend. I also rebuilt my 044, but I'll probably sell that this fall (although my resolve is waivering!)
'not doing as much cutting lately because of the heat, but I've got plenty lined up for the fall. To get some exercise, I've been spending an hour or two each night out at the wood pile with a hand maul. Ash = easy, locust = cake, white oak = work, red oak = lotta work, some unidentifyable stuff that looks like oak = wait for the power splitter.

life is good,