Nice tip on angle of pull/position on D per design, thanx!
Lots lighte like Brian said, cam devices are one way safety, one way will drop you! You could have a prussik adjustable lanyard, with safety snap on both ends. Do that with Gibbs/ cams, and one snap would hold you, one would drop you to the end of your lanyard, or farther if no stop to jam in cam! i use to think tiny microscender with twisted clevis was the lightest, most discrete, best aligning; this 'scrap' of rope replaces cam in all categories, is lighter, cheaper, 'feeds' out loaded like Mike said.
Hitch is work in progress (as all else i guess)..... A Knut as i understand, makes the half hitch tender ring at base from the bottom coil of Frenchy, and wraps around other tail and host line/lanyard. This hitch, the final tending ring comes from the top coil instead, braids under coils, then does half hitch around other tail (running from bottom of coil, through braids) , host line and D to form the tending ring. The coils pull out from Frenchy to VT with braids under even if you don't set like that(So you can make long Frenchy, half hitch tending ring, then pull out braids). The D inside the tending ring, pulls the ring , which squeezes on host lanyard with ring, but doesn't choke (where it might sieze and not slide easily), D keeps it pulled open, then is ready to tend on demand. So, with bends in line from braids and friction from this ring squeeze, we have some friction, but tending/sliding easily, as friction isn't from choking rings; then choking rings secure you supplying rest of friction, but hopefully under less load, where they won't 'sieae' to line under tension adn be harder to slide/tend??
The half hitch tending ring, is a lil better than a simple half, getting an extra twist (kinda like Marl?) that gives the rope ring/tender even more stiffness as it goes around the other tail, lanyard and D, for more solid/ device like push from tender.