Jeff, you're fakin' nutso basted in tard juice, my friend. AA's wood was solid rotten and full of stupid ants.
Clearly we are not anything alike. Are we now?
I have no idea what you said, but you are extremely entertaining!
Jeff, you're fakin' nutso basted in tard juice, my friend. AA's wood was solid rotten and full of stupid ants.
Clearly we are not anything alike. Are we now?
I have no idea what you said, but you are extremely entertaining!
So are you 'Deeming ' it unsafe because you are?
A) Scared
B) Not enough knowledge
C) Don't want the client to find out you are a scam artist
D) All of the above
You and your ignorant customers can say whatever they want.. the truth is still the truth and the general consensus of you around here reflects that. Just saying.
Sent from my Droid while smoking a cig, drinking a coffee and hating..
drinking a strong coffee with a generous shot of Bailly's Irish Creame, and loving all of this.
So you go to work drunk, that explains everything.
While I'm sure excessive alcohol consumption does explain some of the bizarre and hateful posts I read here, I'm actually just kicking back today and my morning coffee got the benefit of a bottle of Irish cream left over from the Xmas cheer provided for the holiday.
A) Some trees I look at are very scary, the more unease I feel the more I charge.
B) It's the things I don't know (from the ground) about a scary tree that give me the most fear.
C) My clients do think I am an artist: Imperial tree service contractor called an artist
D) Only A & B apply.
Face it Doug you just can't cut the mustard ......:hmm3grin2orange:
What exactly are you deeming? You can't say, can you? You are certified, moron. CM (CERTIFIED MORON)
Now show us whatchya got, turd.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
... it took me a long a s s time to type this! I may be redneck, but I no dummy. I swear ...
Bobby Lee out
Swear all you like Bobbie Lee, but you'll never know me. The "Pros" here are like 6 gallons of s h i t in a 5 gallon bucket. That's the way they carry themselves. I've made you all my playthings, just for the sport of it. The only thing that keeps me going here is swatting you cretins with logic and truth. Woo
If I wanted to show off my stuff I'd have put these on my desk:
1500 year old Mezzo American funerial effigies that remind me of you all. Crocks made of clay.[/Q UOTE] wow the one on the right looks just like ya ##### t I t s. And all
Is that add real? Probably is. Why is it, that some guys don't get it. This AA guy is the biggest idiot I have ever come across. I live in the boonies, so that's saying a lot. I am not sure he understands what you guys do and how you carry yourselves. A lot of time, when dealing with "pros", ya can just tell right away, whether or not they really know what they are doing. He has enough skill to be lucky and enough luck to look skilled. It will catch up, in one way or another. It may be a bad accident or a legal issue, who knows with him, but it will happen. There is nothing wrong with trying new and different techniques, equipment and styles. Bean is changing what I do every time I see him. But there is a way to run them across pros in the field, and that's what he does wrong. He might come up with something that suits him just fine, and that's cool, but then he goes and makes himself look like a total moron by trying to convince all of you that his way is better, when everyone knows that it is not, it may not be a bad way, but def not the best. His skill after watching all his videos is mediocre at best, I would put him at the skill level of a first year power company trimmer. Then to top it off, he has to add outside facts of his very questionable history, as if no one else on earth has done any of the things he claims. Men don't act like that, kids and small minded adults do. Men don't post to show off, they post to share. Men can take constructive criticism, use it and move on, hoping for more. Ignorant people consider it a insult. Not one time have I read where anyone on here said anything other than what you need to do. You just cant read between the lines AA. Sure they talk sh it, that's what they do, if ya paid attention, instead of thinking of the next ridiculous thing to say, you would realize that they all talk sh it, and they all take away knowledge whether they admit it or not. I have, just two other guys arguing over a machine gave me enough info to make a decision on what one I want. They where going at it good, next thread they where agreeing and arguing with someone else! Teaching and learning again. The difference between you and them, simple. They are tree guys,rough and cocky, with good reason, your just a fool , jack of al trades, wont be long, you will be out of the tree business and into something else, you'll add the tree industry to your very long resume of things that you failed at. Beans told me about you, told me about your videos, I didn't believe him, no full grown man acts like that. Its a damn good thing all your paid Angiesl list customer don't read this forum huh!
Outsider looking in.
Now, just so you all know, it took me a long a s s time to type this! I may be redneck, but I no dummy. I swear I heard applause in the back ground.
Bobby Lee out
Swear all you like Bobbie Lee, but you'll never know me. The "Pros" here are like 6 gallons of s h i t in a 5 gallon bucket. That's the way they carry themselves. I've made you all my playthings, just for the sport of it. The only thing that keeps me going here is swatting you cretins with logic and truth.
If I wanted to show off my stuff I'd have put these on my desk:
1500 year old Mezzo American funerial effigies that remind me of you all. Crocks made of clay.
The setup the guy built in the video is only a 4:1 system. If it was a 5:1 the rope he would be pulling on would be coming from the tree. First off, I wont want to have my pulley setup made out of the rope I am pulling with. If you need to readjust or lower, your screwed. I bought a fiddle block setup from baileys. The pulleys are alum, light weight, and has its own progress capture device. On big trees, I always use a 3 ton comalong with amsteel blue rope.