I had the saw tuned pretty good today until I messed with the L setting. Now it seems hard to restart if I shut it off , like 3-4 pulls. I will mess with the low setting some more tomorrow but wanted to ask where the idle screw should be when dialing in the low setting? I have always turned up the idle screw until the chain just barely starts moving then find the sweet spot for low setting and then adjust the idle as needed. I had the idle setting turned way up and could barely get the chain to move then it would start idling up and down up and down. Chain was not to tight so not sure. These little saws seem much more difficult to tune than my Stihl saws for some reason. I have read on other threads that these saws have a problem with hot start but couldn't find a solution. Anyone know if there is a cure for this or is it just the nature of the beast? Once my Stihl saws are warmed up they usually crank on the first pull. Any tips on tuning this little saw would be greatly appreciated.