We have been swimming in radio waves for over a century. You can take a simple RF detector and place it near a 110V electric outlet and it will read RF from a simple outlet. Every electrical device in your home emits RF to some level. It's even in your car when you drive down the road.
And whats with all the male rats? Seems sexist to me. lol
Your claims are mostly incorrect.
Yes we have had simple radio waves overhead for a century, but of late we have millions of new devices that are not only passive radio
receivers like your old portable AM/FM radio, but now we have millions and millions of people using their microwave
transmitters in close proximity to their bodies. This is a BIG difference!
Your 110v wires emit LF/EMF (Low Frequency/Electro Magnetic Frequency), they do not emit RF/Microwave radiation. LF/EMF has a tight range of influence at 110V current, maybe a foot or two away from the wires depending on the strength of the current. Microwave devices on the other hand
broadcast outwards in a very large area e.g. your cell continuously broadcasts out to the cell tower or wi-fi router. The dramatic increase of many millions and millions of RF/Microwave devices now polluting our environment is a recent development only over the last 15+ years.
Every device in your current home does
not emit RF - most wired devices emit EMF only, except the new "smart home" will have many more RF/microwave transmitting gadgets built into appliances and monitoring your every use. The future "smart home" will provide the next level in the invisible non-thermal microwave soup experiment many blissfully ignorant families will live in.
Like I said, there is a considerable difference in the distance of transmission between large field Microwave radiation devices such as those found in smart meters, cell phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, wi-fi, high powered cell towers, and the very narrow field EMF found in home wiring. Both are measured using completely different equipment. I have expensive high end tools that measure both.
RF/Microwave is only in modern cars that have Wireless
transmitters in them. e.g. wi-fi built into the car or antenna repeaters to incorporate your cell phone or low powered blue tooth your car uses to speak to your phone. Older cars do
not have microwave
transmitters in them, they only had passive radio receivers and the usual wiring that emits near field EMF.
The compounding effect of millions of new
transmitting microwave devices used close to our bodies, near to pregnant moms and developing children throughout our living environments is having an influence on organisms large and small, as demonstrated by the 30 Million dollar NTP study, the negative influence is dependant on long term exposure and is not good.