Was that up to Ebles, I called them as soon as I seen one on their site, then they said they weren't in stock yetI was just holding the power heads of a Mk I and a Mk II in my hands, without bars on them. No way to really get a feel for balance that way, wouldn't want to comment much on that. That's the way my shop displays all their saws, not much need to do it any other way for their customer base (who are just going to request their preferred bar at purchase anyway), but not how most shops do it.
I could feel the extra pound on the Mk II though.
Haven't picked up my friend's 261 yet to kind of finalize my next decision; am planting trees for the next 6 weeks anyway and will purchase then. But overall just leaning towards another Mk I as my 2016 version has been so solid. And that way I can keep it simple, because I can be stupid.
It is hard to get much of a feel for a saw just by picking it up even with a bar. When I picked up a 572G for the first time it resembled the 576 in weight which was disappointing, but as soon as I ran the saw and felt how flickable it was I knew which of those two I would rather be running(just reminded myself I need to list the 576
Picking up the 550 ne (I'm sick of calling it the mark II ) I had the same feeling as with the 572 except it felt heavier than the 550 oe, I'm hoping that when it's fired up and running it will be the one I'd rather run. Being honest I don't think it will make me sell the 2016 oe I currently have, it's been a great saw. I should probably get the oe out when I'm ready to run the ne and see how they compare. I think it may get ran a little longer before I grab the 70cc saw which may be advantageous on some jobs.
Here's my new to me 550 ne hopefully next week I'll get it out and run it a bit.