NEW 95VP Chain! Would you Resharpen And Why? Pics

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ArboristSite Operative
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
Cut & Shoot Texas
I just Read most of the threads here about sharpening chains,very informative,and I learned alot. My question is would you guys resharpen a chain from a brand new saw and why? This chain has never seen wood,but
I have afeelin quit a few of you would put a file to it. Not sure but looks like
it could use a better angle on top plate?? :confused:


I realized my prior post may have seemed a bit abrupt.
It was not pointed at you, rather I would be peeved at the person who sold me that "new" chain and told you it was 95vp.

95vp is a round filed "micro chisel" chain, not the round filed full chisel chain as shown in the photos.

If that is on your new 353 your seller has some explaining to do!
Hey Max!
Guess I'll be Contacting my dealer because when I contacted him the
week before he said all his saws came with 95vp chains,but the sale guy
wasn't the manager(not in at time) that I talked to, powerhead had no
bar/chain and guy had to look it up twice then put it on took out to shop
and preped,fired up adjusted carb.This is a really small dealership, very friendly and Country,I really think he was Machanic 1st/saleguy?? 2nd,a 3 man place.I don't have a problem taking it back but is it not going to work
well on pine and oak that I have And what type chain is it??? :dizzy:

Mike E.
chainsawworld said:
i would like to have a little more side plate angle and chisel angle then what is pictured. marty
I have always liked 25 degrees and 5 degrees from the horizontal plane. On a small saw I have the rakers 0.020" below the cutter. On big saws, ground chain seems to work the best. (Silvey)
Finally this place is coming back to life and getting somewhat fun again!!! :blob2:

I do not know what type of chain it is from a picture. On the lower portion of the drive link there is a number. Get that number and go to Oregon's site and cross reference the your numbers to what chain it is.

Mike Mike Mike :)

Good to see people coming to life again here!!!
What you are not showing in the pics is the drive tang. Is there a number on the drive tang. Lift the chain out of the rail and see. Some chains have em and some don't but a number would go a long way in identifying the chain with a husqa tag on it. Then you didn't say what saw this chain was on either. The only way to figure out the top angle you like is use the chain and if you don't like the way it cuts change the angle and see if you like a different angle better. Trial and error. You'll get to where you know what you like and then you will put a file to new chain. Yes, some like myself put a file to new chain and give it a light tickle before it hits wood. Before you do this run the new chain through wood and see if you are happy with what it does new before you start changing angles. Once you're hooked on saws you'll be wanting one chain for hardwood and a different one for softwood, a backup saw, and a backup saw for that one, neither backup saw sees much action but you have to have them. Look at it like golfing do you ever see a guy play a round with just one club??? Nooooo! they have a collection of clubs to hit with. It's the same with arborists, lumberjacks and tree guys, you want to have more than one club when you hit the woods. I use two saws most often, had them modded to put more spin on the chains. Like golf, some guys have to have designer clubs so stop and have a look at the saw builders for designer work to get a Dozer, Eph, Dunn or just get em Walkerized. Then again you could open another beer and keep reading.
Sorry Thought I mentioned it was from new 353, tie strap says HUSQV,
and only # on tang was 21 Does that help?
Do i need to take it back and get the 95VP???? :Monkey:
Mike E.
No you didn't get screwed. It's most likely 21LP which is rated by Oregon as a "professional" style chain. I've tried both but prefer the narrow kerf style that the 95vp gives you. I'd take it back if you are not happy. Both are "micro chisel" style chains.
Haven't Cut Wood yet but one thing Iv'e learned here is alway have more
then one chain or 3 or 4, I'll just order 2 95vps from Bailey's and 16" bar &
2 chains for it. I want to learn to sharpen my own but I think I'll wait till
old man at Stihl dealer down the road Kiks da Bukit cause he only charges
5 bucks for up to 24" and 3 is $12 WOW HUH! Family owned and Granpa
charged 65c in 60's his son $2 in 70's,$3.50 in 80's- 90's Now son is great
old man.He uses elec. grinder but alway finishes off by hand, And still thinks
$5 is high, so as long as he's around he'll be sharpenin my chains.

Let him know you want to learn from him.
My bet is he will be more than happy to spend some time with you to teach you chain filing. Get him lunch and I think you will have a good few hours and learn a ton of good stuff.

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