New Bandit chipper pricing???,,,

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Just pointing out what the final cost is so he can think about what is involved is all. Sounds like a lot to me.

Sounds like the guy has been at it a good long while. I’m sure he understands the money. Nice when you chipper never breaks down and always makes you look good, and increases job efficiency (in a major way) at the same time. At least this has been my experience having purchased a big , new school diesel chipper myself probably four years ago now.
How much is the biggest engine option ? I think you can get a 6 cylinder diesel in one ?
well aware its gonna be a hefty sum. but with a larger down payment we will save a bit on interest and the chipper will most certainly make its keep
Sort of my point in posting those numbers so you knew what was what . Put A GPS tracker on that valuable machine.
Morbark 2400 we own now has made it since 94 and is still kicking. maintenance and understanding the machine is everything

Eh. I'm still running on my 1987 Bandit 200xp. I bought it new, and it is still running on almost all the original parts. I think it's only had one starter, one alternator, quite a few hydraulic valve re-builds and replacement, and the auto-feed doesn't work any more. No cracks in the frame anywhere, only a couple on the folding infeed tray.

So far, we've replaced a few injectors (John Deere 80hp), but neither the head nor the oil pan have ever been removed. Engine is getting kind of smoky though; hard to start, and eats too much oil. :rare2:
But it paid for itself a long time ago. It is one of the best machines I've ever bought.
Beside the the age, the question is, how many hours did it withstand the abuse?
I don't know. Probably at least 5000 hours. I would expect that many hours out of the engine. Could be closer to 10k hours, as the hour meter hasn't worked for about the last 12 years. Sadly, we aren't organized enough to keep track of the hours used, and bandit doesn't sell that old tachometer any more.