Hi all, I'm looking for some information in regards to starting a new business and getting clients. I currently work as a foreman at a tree care company, have completed a certificate for arboriculture and urban forestry and I'm really just looking to start working for myself. Though I'm young and haven't started a business before and I'm not sure about a bunch of things, though I'm learning from my currently position with said company. I've got almost all the tools one would require to carry out most work - Ground saws, climbing saws, all climbing equipment, rigging equipment, lots of extras, knowledge, books and references for when I don't know things, hedge trimmers, blowers, etc. I'm currently trying to find side work closer to home and make a name for myself though, side jobs are few and far between. I'm also trying to operate out of a sedan at the moment so i don't really have mean of transporting an abundance of material.
I'm curious how many others have bee n in a similar situation and what they've done that's helped them surpassed this, road block, so to speak. I don't have means or purchasing a truck, for at least a couple/few months and then it will cost quite a bit to commute from where I'm living to where I work with a truck. It doesn't make sense to me to buy a truck until I've got some clients to work for to pay for that truck, that being said it's very difficult to do side work when you can't haul away material. Feels very much like a catch 22.
In any case, im curious to know what others have done and what type of things i may be over looking. Thanks for any response and advice, also apologies if somethings similar has been posted, though i haven't seen anything.
I'm curious how many others have bee n in a similar situation and what they've done that's helped them surpassed this, road block, so to speak. I don't have means or purchasing a truck, for at least a couple/few months and then it will cost quite a bit to commute from where I'm living to where I work with a truck. It doesn't make sense to me to buy a truck until I've got some clients to work for to pay for that truck, that being said it's very difficult to do side work when you can't haul away material. Feels very much like a catch 22.
In any case, im curious to know what others have done and what type of things i may be over looking. Thanks for any response and advice, also apologies if somethings similar has been posted, though i haven't seen anything.