When there is only one line in twenty that is understandable it becomes authentic frontier gibberish, you've obviously got some good stories to tell, put yourself in the readers perspective who aren't in the region or privy to a site specific emergency plan or closed industry terms, anybody can talk slang or a language which is unintelligible to others, but it serves no purpose but to distinguish ones self in not the best way & as you have seen people switch off. General common terms are more than adequate, ganger is just one of them & nothing much to get hung up on, any of those terms are readily explained on the interwebYou have to read between the lines a little bit there bud. With words and frases like "invitation" and "being in the loop"
Its not even a hidden job market. Its spesalized. When Clean harbours from PA had Seismic work in the states all the mulcher operators and their mulcher push get the call from Clean harbors in Canada to go cut the grids because US people didn't have the expirence. They were 10 yrs behind. Not in the technology but in expirence or lack of
in this case. Anybody that is anybody is going to be known in industry.
Even if Clean harbors didn't get the job. every one will know who is doing what and where and their operators ....or some will still get hired.
You didn't have to prove "Ganger" as a job title to me? You live there...I don't! why would I dispute it? I wouldn't! Your position is beyond ridiculous.
The richest companies on the face of the planet that 'letter head' our (Emergency Response Plan) (ERP)
with all the key players titles with phone #'s
project manager, supervisor, drill push , mulcher push, cat push, slash push ect. Nuff said on the matter don't you think?
(it rhetorical^^)
, with no questions being asked of the author, yours though are non existent on the web , so you have to be asked to explain them , maybe it creates some sort of dependence somehow?