New Furnace!

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ArboristSite Guru
Oct 22, 2007
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Central MN
In the process of installing a new wood furnace. It's all wired just waiting on the plenum and a little ductwork. It's a Yukon Eagle IV-Klondike. This is a wood only furnace but looks just like their multi-fuel furnaces. I'm hoping it will be a little more efficient than my indoor boiler and more safe. I searched different brands for almost two years and finally decided on this one. Looks to be a well built unit. Anyone else have one? Will post more when it's completely hooked up and heating the house!:biggrinbounce2:
In the process of installing a new wood furnace. It's all wired just waiting on the plenum and a little ductwork. It's a Yukon Eagle IV-Klondike. This is a wood only furnace but looks just like their multi-fuel furnaces. I'm hoping it will be a little more efficient than my indoor boiler and more safe. I searched different brands for almost two years and finally decided on this one. Looks to be a well built unit. Anyone else have one? Will post more when it's completely hooked up and heating the house!:biggrinbounce2:

I almost bought the Yukon-Eagle, but the shipping costs were way high! Ended up going with Newmac because I could buy locally. I really wished that Yukon had a local dealer, instead of being factory direct.
I'm hoping to get all the ductwork hooked up by Sunday.. hoping. A buddy of mine is helping me hook it up, so i'm hoping he has the time this weekend. Yes Wdchuck, I will definatly let you know how the furnace works. I've had a few small fires in it because everything is hooked up but the ducts... seems to burn pretty clean and sure puts out the heat. Will keep you updated!
In your research on these multi-fuel furnaces, did you find out if anyone makes a forced hot-air unit that will burn oil and/or wood?
The Yukon Eagle that the original poster is installing can burn oil/wood. And I believe they have the ability to light the wood using the oil or gas burner if you have one installed. Neat feature I think.
I know they make furnaces that will light the wood with the oil furnace, and they make tandem wood/gas furnaces which is basically a gas furnace and a wood furnace in series. The only way I know of that you could use gas to light off the wood is to buy one set up for oil and convert the oil burner to burn gas.
The furnace model I bought is a wood only furnace.. however the company does make wood/oil, wood/gas, and wood/electric. On the multi-fuel furnaces the oil or gas burners have their own chamber they burn into, but this chamber blows into the side of the wood box. So yes, the oil or gas burner can light the fire. If you have anymore questions just let me know. I live about 4 miles from the factory that builds these furnaces so I can find out most anything you want to know. The website is
In your research on these multi-fuel furnaces, did you find out if anyone makes a forced hot-air unit that will burn oil and/or wood?

The Yukon Eagle is avalable in a oil or gas. I had a yukon oil/wood combo furnace installed in 1985 and it worked great. I still used about one tank of fuel oil per year tho. After about 12 years of use the furance rusted out and could not be fixed so I replaced it with a standard oil set-up. I was told that Yukon was out of business. This summer I saw a ad for yukon furnaces, so I guess their back around. The Yukon furnace worked great the whole house was warm including the basement. I do miss that furnace!
In your research on these multi-fuel furnaces, did you find out if anyone makes a forced hot-air unit that will burn oil and/or wood?
Most manufacturers make combo units.


a google search will bring a few results.

The Yukon Eagle that the original poster is installing can burn oil/wood. And I believe they have the ability to light the wood using the oil or gas burner if you have one installed. Neat feature I think.

Why would any self respecting wood burner whant to do that???

The furnace model I bought is a wood only furnace.. however the company does make wood/oil, wood/gas, and wood/electric. On the multi-fuel furnaces the oil or gas burners have their own chamber they burn into, but this chamber blows into the side of the wood box. So yes, the oil or gas burner can light the fire. If you have anymore questions just let me know. I live about 4 miles from the factory that builds these furnaces so I can find out most anything you want to know. The website is

Living 4 miles must have saved you what, $500 on shipping?
Well we got the furnace all hooked up yesterday. I think we have the ducting figured wrong because it's not heating very well. A buddy of mine figured out what we needed and I think he was a little off... doesn't do it for a living either. So in the near future there is going to have to be some modifications done there. As far as the furnace itself.. it seems to burn really clean and not take too much wood. I'll post again when we get the ducting figured out!
Hope you got your ducting figured out.I just spoke to my friend in Stillwater,Mn who just was enjoying his first fire.He had all the windows open and was maintaining 77 degrees.He couldn't believe how little wood it had gone through in the 4 hours it had been burning.He bought the wood/gas model.
I have a very old (1978) Yukon Husky that is a wood/oil burner. I got it this year for $100 in near perfect condition and put it in a metal shed with duct work piped into the exististing ducts under my house. I didn't hook up the oil so we have been burning wood and we are very pleased. We have windows open when it is 8 degrees and the house is very comfortable.
I sold a boatload of Yukon Husky's years ago...they wore like iron, but when run strictly on fuel oil, not very efficient. Last one I sold was in the mid 80's