Blowdown1 said:
bogus science like the FACT that the polar ice cap has reduced in size by over a third in the past two decades?
Nobobdy knows that for sure and anyone who says that they know this for a certainty is full of $hit (has a non-scientific agenda)
Blowdown1 said:
Get off the pipe dude. And the FACT is still that there is less than a year's supply of oil in ANWR. And the tas payer will heavily subsidize exploration and drilling there to get that measly little bit. FACT.
All oil exploration (and drug research, aerodynamics research, medical research and etc. ad infinitum) is heavily subsidized. This is done to encourage companies to egage in risky (potentially lo$$y) activities. Most of the time this is considered a good thing (except when it's an EEEEVIL oil company) SO WHAT?
Blowdown1 said:
So I guess the lesson is piss on everything for short-term gain and then we'll figure out solving the resulting problems after the fact. We are reaping the fruits of the policy right now via middle-eastern oil.
The policy we are reaping the 'rewards' of is certainly NOT one of oil resource development, which you seem to abhor. Actually we HAVE been following the policy you seem to be promoting, which is 'develop no new oil sources'.
I'm guessing that your last paragraph is an allusion to the (again heavily subsidized) research into so-called alternative energy sources. We have been working steadily on these for decades and while there has been some progress
alternative energy sources have no real hope of competing economically with oil until oil is well over $100 a barrel. Seen another way, if alternative energy sources were our ONLY energy source, it would be like paying over $100 a barrel for oil right now. Our energy bills would double or triple. NOT good. Seen yet another way they would not help relieve oil price pressure until oil tops $100 a barrel.
Now most alternative energy sources have the purported benefit of reducing CO2 emissions, if you believe that sort of thing really matters. They forgot to tell you that most of these (hydrogen for instance) still produce water vapor (pesky laws of physics!), the most important and potent greenhouse gas of all. Again presented here in case that sort of thing matters to you.
I have my facts straight. Do You?