New guy with some advise needed from the pros

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Slowp I was under the impression after reading somewhere on here that you could request the other spikes that are more common at local logging supply shops. Iwill ask about that I have been reading through your thread on the Kuliens and they look really nice but still not sure on the price or the wait for customs and the wet feet thing doesnt have me too excited but hopeing oiling them often will help with that? Im only on page 10 of the thread so I may find some more info yet.
Thanks for the advise, fortunately I am usually always the first one on the job and have experiance in waiting for guys to show up and yes it can be frustrating. When I worked Railroad I picked 3 guys up for work and there was always the same guy who would roll out of bet at 5 am when he heard my truck pull up he got left home more days than I can remember so I wouldnt put that frustration on other guys im on the porch lunch box and thermous in hand ready to run for the truck when it pulls up. Thanks again
And don't worry about washing your clothes during the week. That's what Sundays are for.
Didn't I tell how to use Avon's Skin So Soft as a bug repellent?

:msp_wink: Now that's just wrong. That might work for foresters, 'ologists, and other assorted strange people but loggers know better than to use that foo-foo stuff. Don't encourage that kind of thing ya know there'll be an Avon Lady on every job and the boys will be comparing finger nail polish and hair styling tips at lunch, wearing color coordinated riggin rags, and changing their socks more than three times a week.

7-11 coffee works just as well. Slop a little on your shirt, mixed in with the powdered sugar from the Donetto's, a little snoose dribble, three or four days of accumulated sweat, cigar ash, dust, pitch, and bar oil... The bugs won't want to be anywhere even close to you.
As a matter of scientific fact, they'll even stay on the up wind side of you...especially on a hot day when the heat makes the repellent most effective. Your co-workers might stay upwind, too.

Repellent can be a noun or a verb.
:msp_wink: Now that's just wrong. That might work for foresters, 'ologists, and other assorted strange people but loggers know better than to use that foo-foo stuff. Don't encourage that kind of thing ya know there'll be an Avon Lady on every job and the boys will be comparing finger nail polish and hair styling tips at lunch, wearing color coordinated riggin rags, and changing their socks more than three times a week.

7-11 coffee works just as well. Slop a little on your shirt, mixed in with the powdered sugar from the Donetto's, a little snoose dribble, three or four days of accumulated sweat, cigar ash, dust, pitch, and bar oil... The bugs won't want to be anywhere even close to you.
As a matter of scientific fact, they'll even stay on the up wind side of you...especially on a hot day when the heat makes the repellent most effective. Your co-workers might stay upwind, too.

Repellent can be a noun or a verb.

More bad info!:msp_wink: I would be down in the brush with the youngsters, giving them the stink eye, which tends to make them more careful about bumping/knocking over leave trees, and I'd whip out my bottle of Skin So Soft bug spray (that doesn't work) and spray a bit on my cruiser vest. Within seconds, they'd be asking if they could use it, and pretty soon everybody smelled quite nice. I can only think it improved the atmosphere of the crummie on the way home.

There was an Avon store in the Lloyd Center Mall. I'll bet they have it.
More bad info!:msp_wink: I would be down in the brush with the youngsters, giving them the stink eye, which tends to make them more careful about bumping/knocking over leave trees, and I'd whip out my bottle of Skin So Soft bug spray (that doesn't work) and spray a bit on my cruiser vest. Within seconds, they'd be asking if they could use it, and pretty soon everybody smelled quite nice. I can only think it improved the atmosphere of the crummie on the way home.

There was an Avon store in the Lloyd Center Mall. I'll bet they have it.

Hah! Those kids were just trying to make points with the Sale Administrator. As soon as you left they were all probably rolling around in the dirt like a bunch of hound dogs trying to scrape that stuff off. And swearing each other to secrecy. Nope, sorry, ain't goin' for it.

If our OP showed up his first day on the job covered in that stuff the other guys would probably give him a nickname right off the bat. Like "Sweety" or something similar. Let's not get the kid off to a bad start. :msp_rolleyes:

And that Avon store? I'd bet they'd make you take your calks off before they let you in. Or want you to put on a shirt with sleeves. Probably wouldn't let you cuss or scratch where it itches, either. Sounds horrible, just horrible.
About the only thing I could add to what Gologit said is this. There was a well respected gyppo out on the Peninsula who's favorite saying was this " Pull hard and it'll come easy". As guys that worked for him moved on the saying stuck with them. It almost became the mantra. You could be down in the brush fighting a choker, and somebody would holler" Pull hard and it'll come easy":smile2: I guess I'm just reenforcing what Bob said. If you're willing to jump in and work hard, and learn it'll work out for you.
Thanks for the tips I guess it never hurts to make a little side money on avon at the jobsite lol

Next thing you know someone is gonna tell me to have someone knock out my front teeth and buy a bag of crank that will make ya fit in lol just kidding :)

About the only thing I could add to what Gologit said is this. There was a well respected gyppo out on the Peninsula who's favorite saying was this " Pull hard and it'll come easy". As guys that worked for him moved on the saying stuck with them. It almost became the mantra. You could be down in the brush fighting a choker, and somebody would holler" Pull hard and it'll come easy":smile2: I guess I'm just reenforcing what Bob said. If you're willing to jump in and work hard, and learn it'll work out for you.

Thanks Joe good advice
As far as the "nothing like axmen" comment, I been on jobs that had WAY more drama than axmen, and it was NOT a tv show!!! Our bull buck would be helping setting chokers and be packing a beer in his hand all the time, he would spill a few and ask for another 12 pack to be hooked up to the chokers and sent down the mountain, heck he even made a specail cradle to hold the beer while it hanges from the choker down the strip!!!! This whole crew was drunk all the time except myself, I lasted 2 weeks there, way tooo much drama on that site for me. Even had a drunk crazed woman come up there that tried to get personnal with all of us!!!!!!!!
I am really wanting to get on for one of these companys bad in particular as I found they have great beni's 401k vacation and some holidays payed I also have 3 friends who are all hooktending for this company and they all have worked for multiple outfits and this is the best they have ever worked for. I will take what I can get but when I dropped my application off at the office the girl there told me to call this guys number and check in on your app whenever you want to. I called once already and left a message with the fella who does the hiring and I also hunted him down and left him a message on his facebook lol.

My question is to you guys.....

How often do you think is exceptible to call this guy to check on work or my application?

On one hand I dont want to irritate the guy but on the other I want him to know im very interested and I want him to remember me.

I have had good luck doing this when I got hired on at the railroad I went in to the office to see if they were hiring and they said no and that they want people with experiance, so right there not having experiance I should have got the message and not gone back in as I didnt have the qualifications they wanted. Me being the motivated guy I am and knowing when I want something didnt stop going in. I went in to that office once every two weeks for about 3 months eventually they knew me by name and ended up giving me a job just because they were sick of me bugging them lol.

So this being a logging job do you think I should keep after these guys who are doing the hiring? I am hoping eventually I will call them or go in and they will just so happen to be short a couple guys setting chokers or something.:D

Thanks for any of your opinions and I know every boss is different so one may react different than others and tell me to get the message and not to come back lol ( I hope not) I welcome any of your thoughts on this.

Yep, every couple weeks, even once a week is alright. Just not every day. I've had guys call me every day, late evenings, whenever. At first it shows ambition, after awhile it just gets annoying!
Yup, Humptulips and coastalfaller called it. It's kind of a fine line to walk between being persistant and being annoying but you don't want them to forget about you.

If you're after a job with Columbia, or any helicopter outfit, be prepared to travel. Those guys really get around. If you get hired you might have to saddle up the same day and head just about anywhere.

Have you checked with Erickson? There's Croman, too. They both have websites.

You didn't say much about what kind of logging you want to do but a helicopter outfit, especially a big one, might have better opportunities to move up once you're established with them and get some time in.

Funky Sawman was accurate about some of the crews being druggies or juice heads, too. You don't see a lot of it but it's there. If everybody keeps their head straight on the job just learn what you can and try to stay away from the bad stuff. If they're boozing or using on the job...get out. Quick. I always figured what a guy did on his own time was his own business but that stuff has no place at work. A hangover is a little different...sometimes the crew can entertain itself with making bets about how many times a guy will puke in a certain time period. Hey, if he's puking, he's getting well and he's not taking any hair of the dog. The good ones can puke and hook turns at the same time.

Joe46 said it right, too...pull hard and it'll come easy. Pull a little harder than you have to. Every time.
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Thanks coastalfaller Ill try once every two weeks. I have lots of work I am able to do for now and pretty much all the time as far as side work goes so im not in a huge hurry but im ready to go with a days notice if the opertunity arises. I still havent droped the doe on calks yet I want to wait and see if im gonna get hired somewhere before I do.

Thanks Gologit I am not trying to get on with either of them I really dont want to travel out of town all the time for long periods of time as I have a family but I wouldnt be against it tottaly if the need arised as long as I could get home on the weekends but even that would be rough for me and my family. Thanks

What do you think a good time is to call? Durring the day I think he is mostly out of service and I didnt want to bother him at home in the evenings but I may have to if I ever want to talk to him and not his voice mail:/ Thanks